Monday, May 02, 2005

Why the hell does anyone listen to Pat Robertson anymore?

Over here at Media Matters, we have a thoroughly predictable piece about how, on the Sunday morning talk show This Week with George Stephasnuffelufagus, Pat Robertson (God forbid!) contradicted himself, saying that God couldn't have prevented last year's tsunami because He doesn't reverse the laws of nature, and yet Robertson likes to claim that some natural disasters are the result of The Big Kahuna being majorly pissed about ... well, who goddamned knows anymore?

To which one can only respond ... who the fuck cares what Pat Robertson thinks?!?! Why is this raving lunatic given any airtime at all? He is completely certifiable and yet, one can just imagine the table talk when the Sabbath Gasbags are planning their guest lists: "Well, we need the religious perspective on this one. I know; let's get Pat Robertson!".

And what the hell for? Because you haven't filled your barking moonbat quota? Because it's in your contract that you need at least one clinically insane guest per week? What is it? It's like having a discussion on gay marriage and inviting Jerry Falwell. Why? You already know the mindless, hate-filled gibberish he's going to spew all over the airwaves. What's the point?

We don't need to know what lunatics like Robertson think. We know what they think. What we need to know is why they keep getting invited back when having heard them once tells us everything we'll ever need to know.

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