Wednesday, May 18, 2005

James Carville and Mary Matalin: Canadian style. Sort of.

And, oh my, you can't swing a cat by the tail this morning without whapping into a story about how Belinda Stronach (Daddy's little, rich girl) walked out on the Conservative party to join the Liberals in their hour of need.

For you American readers, think Jim Jeffords, having been snubbed and denigrated just that one time too many and thinking, "Fuck it, I don't need this." If you want to know more, you can start here at the Mop and Pail, or pick a random Canuck blogger on the blogroll.

But there's an amusing sub-plot to this story as Stronach was, until the defection, quite publicly sucking face with Conservative Party deputy leader Peter MacKay. I'm pretty sure there's going to be some reeeeeeeally awkward pillow talk over the next few days. Ouch.

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