Saturday, July 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The Healthy Eating Compendium.

It is almost a meme for undischarged bankrupt and soft-core porn author Patrick "Yeah, ladies, you can have some of this" Ross to be wolfing down even more grease and carbs but, well, there you go:

What is interesting is that, from the description of that heart disease looking for a place to happen, it appears that Patrick is back in the Lloyd, so if my confidential informants want to do a drive-by of Casa Ross and report on whatever they see, that would be delightful.

It is hard to believe that Daddy Ken Ross left the Lloyd residence to be used as an occasional drop-in centre for Patrick when he's in town, as that would almost certainly piss off the rest of the family who would be expecting to share in the spoils, but who knows what that deranged group of hillbillies is up to. In any event, it should be easy to figure out whose name is on the title these days, and to watch for any change in ownership. Because I can assure you that if that property is transferred to one Patrick Ross, I have everything ready to go to step in and take it from him.

Stay tuned.


RossOwesDay said...

Making your way through legal strife
Takes everything you’ve got
Being a broke and obese incel
Sure ain't a simple plot
Wouldn't you like to skip the blame?
Sometimes you want to go

Where nobody knows your name,
And the scandals are all the same,
You want to be where you can’t see,
Where you’re not in bankruptcy,
You want to be where nobody knows your name.

Bankrupt and defaming foes
Living life on the edge,
Hiding out in Lloydminster
Clinging to that rocky ledge
You'd love to change your scene,
To somewhere a bit more tame

Where nobody knows your name,
And your troubles are a bit less plain,
You want to be where you can't see,
Where you're not in bankruptcy,
You want to be where nobody knows your name.

Del Esau said...

You put a ton of work into this. Good job.
My take.
The Re-make of "Cheers."
Patrick Ross plays a more opinionated, more obese, incredibly more stupid Cliff.
"Hey Sammy, another beer and a double greaseburger and I'll tell you all how I beat the courts with my super intelligence."
(Everybody)- "NOOOOOO!"
"Did somebody call Norm?"
(Everybody)- "NOOORRRM!"