Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy Canada Day!

In honour of Canada Day, a picture of my Chez Lucien burger which, unlike the numerous burgers consumed by undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross, has a salad.


Anonymous said...

Salad? Oh no, you're not going to die young, ruining PR's big plan to get out of this.

Anonymous said...

Have you figured out where Patrick is living? If he's working in Grande Prairie, there's no way he can be living in Lloydminster, so he'd have to be either renting a room in someone's house or staying in a hotel, and both of those are not going to be cheap and will eat into his income. And given how he eats out all the time, that's going to be expensive, too.

So even if he got some inheritance, he seems to be burning through that in a real hurry.

CC said...

Anon @ 8:33 AM: I'm not sure where Patrick is either living or working these days, but you are correct in that, however he's getting by, it's costing him money, especially if he's having to pay for accommodations somewhere in northern Alberta.

I've said this many times -- he can run for quite some time if he doesn't mind being bankrupt and never having the freedom to buy his own place, or rent his own apartment, or start his own business. But that gets old after a while, and all of Patrick's bad decisions will eventually catch up with him. For example, my garnishment order is effective in Saskatchewan, so if ever I learn that he is working for a SK employer, I can start taking his money immediately.

Once again, if anyone out there runs across Patrick, just drop me a note.

RossOwesDay said...

Wonder how Twatsy's renting an apartment in Grande Prairie now. Maybe he's still living with a lease Ken co-signed before he passed died? Or maybe he's living off-grid with an informal arrangement?