Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: Send money.

Predictably, having been kicked in both the original Manitoba decision and at the Manitoba Court of Appeal, the JCCF is not quite ready to give up on this particular cash cow. I predict another spate of fundraising for yet another doomed application to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Let's watch.

P.S. If you're bored, you can read the ruling from the MB Court of Appeal to appreciate that court gave the JCCF nothing. Literally, nothing. They did not identify a single error of law, which makes one wonder about the cost effectiveness of soldiering on to the Supreme Court of Canada, other than making various lawyers at JCCF obscenely rich.


Coolxenu said...

Yet another humiliating loss for the JCCF and their christo-fascist lawyers who are too incompetent to make a living in real lawyer land and must rely on tax-deductible donations from deluded suckers.

Anonymous said...

Grifters are going to grift after all.

And I see lawyers who know the law but don't seem to understand it.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure that like the Rebel and the Democracy Fund, the team at JCCF understands perfectly well that these Charter and Constitutional challenges have no legal basis and no chance of success. That's not the point. The Rebel stokes the anger among the marching morons, who then pour their wallets into the Democracy Fund, which then issues grants and contributions to the Rebel and JCCF along with charitable receipts to the donors.
The lawyers get paid win or lose.