... and swallow your coffee first.
AFTERSNARK: Jabba the Roy oozes:
I asked a question and identified myself as a Blogging Tory. HM PM said he wanted. to thank the Blogging Tories for our blogs.
And which Blogging Tories would HM PM SH be such a fan of? Would it be the mindless, sycophantic stenographer? Perhaps the cripplingly senile, gibbering, Obama-obsessed loon? This fetus fetishist? That fetus fetishist? The eugenicist? The amateur gynecologist? The man who jerks off to reports of violent minority deaths? Perhaps it's the God-obsessed, scientifically-illiterate dingbat? Or the talentless porn author? The pathological liar? Mayhap it's the self-absorbed, narcissistic wingnut who is encouraging his readers to commit theft and vandalism? Those scientific ignorants over at The Politic? Perhaps the beer-swilling he-men over at "Dust My Broom" who think sexually-infused assault on women is knee-slappingly funny? Or, God help us all, he might be a regular reader of Canada's mostest, bestest white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer who thinks millions of dead Jews are a real scream and who wants drug addicts to kill themselves.
I have to stop now, or I could be here all day. Seriously.
DOUBLE AFTERSNARK: If only someone had had the wit to immediately ask Harper which Blogging Tories he reads on a regular basis, I'm guessing it might have turned out something like this:
Yeah, I'm fairly sure it would have turned out like that.
Talk to his wife about 13(1)! She'll fill him in!
His Majesty the Prime Minister?
Her Majesty's Prime Minister?
oy vey.
and why do I think that people at the conference saying that they like Dr. Roy's blog are using the same tone they would use when saying "Gosh, I really like your shirt" when greeted by a severely developmentally delayed adult wearing Mickey Mouse themed attire from head to toe?
Joanne practically creamed herself at the Dear Leader's polite "thank you" (not I'm sure that he's ever looked at one of their crappy blogs).
What's blazingcatsass on about?
When are these illiterate primitives going to figure out that wingnut irrationality, stupidity, dishonesty, hatred, bigotry, pseudo-science, cyber-stalking/cyber-bullying, rube-gulling etc. (not to mention their own appalling and hypocritical censorship) has nothing whatsoever to do with 13.1.
They'd better figure it out soon, because their time's run out. The wingnut welfare is no more.
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