Saturday, November 08, 2008

I’m going shopping.

It’s long past time that this girl’s much missed boots (which used to be mine) were replaced.

I just thought you all needed to know that 'cause a little retail therapy is exactly what's required when life decides to kick your ass.

Where's the damn camera cable? I have new boots!


sooey said...

I need a shirt for a fest next week. It has to deal with a few issues, too, so it can't be just any old thing off the rack.

Not that I don't buy ALL my clothes off the rack, but I may have to go to a different store than I usually do.

Shopping is hard.

LuLu said...

I just bought a new shirt at Winners (you should go) -- it's purple and slinky and very low-cut.

I'm kind of in love with it.

sooey said...

I have red cowboy boots that are the same kind Bob Dylan wears except I got mine for $25 at Ragtime, a nostalgic clothing store in Ottawa.

sooey said...

Winners, eh...

Cameron Campbell said...

there is no winners in Dunedin. There is no where that is cheap. It vexes.

I'm buying a ton of clothing when I get home for Xmas.