Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Early morning cheap shots.

As I am on course this week, blogging will be a bit on the spotty side so I'll cheat by just pointing at other sources of entertainment, like this piece by "Skippy" who finds the Wank-o-sphere taking to heart Peggy Noonan's intellectual philosophy: "Is it irresponsible to speculate? It is irresponsible not to."

P.S. Following the links from Skippy's place, one gets the impression that Stephen Taylor just got himself a new GPS unit and can't wait to do something with it.

P.P.S. If you're in the vicinity of Avenue Road and Lawrence in Toronto, why, sure, an evening beer sometime this week sounds just ducky. You're buying.


Mike said...

Avenue and Lawerence? Gosh, I used to live on Otter Cresent!

Go Havergal!


Anonymous said...

Hmm. I don't get out much, so I don't know what's around Avenue & Lawrence. But maybe... Hm...

Anonymous said...

Avenue Rd. and Lawrence? You're on course in the suburbs?

Ya gots to get yerself downtown, lad.

CC said...

I'm actually on course in Markham, I'm just staying near Lawrence and Avenue Rd. So anything walking distance from the latter with good beer would be just the ticket, either Wednesday or Thursday.