Friday, February 10, 2006

Steve Janke: 10 pounds of self-serving hypocrisy in a 5-pound bag.

Steve Janke, one of Canada's contributions to Open Bathrobe Pajamarama Media, thinks we can all discuss the latest sleazy Tory developments like grownups:

One thing to note, though, is the civility of the disagreement. The debate has been overwhelmingly polite. Focus on the argument, not on the person. Thankfully, I don't see any reason to remind people of that.

Ah, yes. That would be the same Steve Janke who saw no reason to rein in his commenters when it was the opposition in the crosshairs here:

"Not many things enrage me more than the thought of some innocent young Canadian girl with [Belinda Stronach] as a role model. People that don't see her for the treasonous superpowerwhore that she is, will only be detrimental to our society."

Or here:

"No, the Cons have had enough experience with Whores for one lifetime."

Or here:

"The NDP are no better than their criminal sugar-daddies, the thieving Librano gang. If the socialists had one ounce of decency in their party, they would toss the Mafiosa Librano thugs out the door immediately. But, the NDP whores have set the price and will willingly prostitute themselves once more. Sad...."

Yeah, Steve, it's always more convenient to talk about civility when you're the one getting hoofed in the nads, isn't it?

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