Sunday, February 12, 2006

Oh, the fun you could have with this.

Oh. My. Over at firedoglake, "ReddHedd" reports on something happening down south that has umlimited entertainment value:

Imagine, if you will, that you've been spammed by a fellow who also happens to correspond with someone who happens to be tangentially connected to al qaeda in some way (relative? pen pal? internet porn spammer?). You have absolutely no connection to these folks whatsoever, other than the fact that your e-mail address happens to have been the recipient of some e-mail spam, but your address shows up on the directory of the initial spammer. Whose address shows up on the hard drive of the al qaeda-connected-somehow fellow. (Who may, coincidentally, have also been the recipient of some mis-directed e-mail or piece of spam that might somehow have been connected to someone who is somehow connected to al qaeda...see where I'm going with this?)

ReddHedd goes on to describe how U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan has decided that that's enough to start checking you out. Upset? Infuriated? That's only because you don't see the potential amusement.

I'm thinking about creating a few transient accounts, and firing off a few e-mails. Let's see, I figure the first one is going to go to, oh, prominent al-Qaeda operative Ayman Al-Zawahiri, with a carbon copy going to, say, Tom DeLay.

How about dropping a note to "dirty bomb" suspect Jose Padilla, with simultaneous copies going to prominent GOP hacks Bill Frist and Dennis Hastert? And, of course, it wouldn't be Valentine's Day without showing some love to Osama bin Laden and new Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the same time, eh? With a Cc: going, naturally, to U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan.

Don't get mad. Get even. That's what I always say.


Anonymous said...

Please do this. I would love to see your sorry ass thrown in jail to rot while all the people you are harassing are cleared of any wrongdoing.

CC said...

And, oh clever one, exactly what crime would I be charged with?

No, no, take your time. I'd hate to see you injure yourself.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you try it and find out. Take your time, though. Wouldn't want you to appear like you actually have balls or anything.

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought. You need to start wearing a dress.

Anonymous said...

Oh so trite of you Anonymous; you issue a manhood challenge that you know you will never have to answer. Just answer the question posted and stop acting tough.

CC said...

I'll tell you what, "anonymous." You post a real e-mail address, and we'll test this out on you, shall we?

After all, you're sure to be "cleared of any wrongdoing," right? Right?


Zorpheous said...

You're an evil bastard CC, I love it!!