Monday, February 06, 2006

The GOP: The party of responsibility and accountability. Yeah, that's them.

It's not like I'm going to follow the Senate hearings on King George's illegal wiretapping all that closely, but you have to appreciate the entertainment value in Alberto Gonzales -- the Attorney General of the United States and the highest law enforcement official in the country -- refusing to be sworn in for his testimony, and the worthless GOP hacks on that committee going along with that.

I'm fascinated as to how the usual group of right-wing sycophants are going to defend this. Seriously. I'm sure there will be all sorts of sputtering neo-con outrage about those dastardly Dems demanding that Gonzales actually be forced, under penalty of law, to tell the truth.

Feel free to dump the most entertaining links in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

Not that I want to split hairs (I'm not that much of a wanker!) but it seems that the AG didn't actually refuse to be sworn in (at least in any available public record) he had the chief wanker (Specter) as chairman say that he didn't need to be sworn in!

To me that provides even less accountability and responsibility that if he had refused to be sworn in! At least if he refused to be sworn in in the hearing we would suspect anything he said (wait, we are already there!).

Another GOP sham!

Anonymous said...

Here is the URL of the transcript: