Friday, February 10, 2006

Dear Scott: No, Garth Turner doesn't have any principles either.

Sigh. I like Scott Tribe, I really do. But I wish he wouldn't write stuff like this:

I have written an email to Garth Turner (, telling him I admire his integrity and standing up for his principles.. IF you wish to do the same.. feel free to email him.

Sorry, Scott, but if you read Turner carefully, he's still being a CPC hack. From Turner's blog, consider the following excerpt:

So, to those who saw these moves [of Stephen Harper's] as hypocritical and politically crass, I ask two things. First, assume Harper had a plan, knew the risk he was taking, and gambled he was doing the right thing. I have no idea if he did or not. Nor does anyone else. Time will judge this move ruthlessly.

Here, let me translate that for you from CPC-speak into English:

I realize what Stephen did only looked crass, politically expedient and suicidally hypocritical, but I have no way of knowing for sure. So let's all give him the benefit of the doubt, OK?

Sure, Garth, let's do that. Let's all examine the last few days of Harper's behaviour -- behaviour so jaw-droppingly hypocritical that even some of his own supporters are howling in outrage -- and let's just "assume" that it's all part of some clever plan in which Stephen isn't a total douchebag. Yeah, why not?

That's awfully charitable of you, Garth. I can only imagine how things might have turned out if that same logic had been employed when, say, Belinda crossed the floor:

"You know, we in the CPC could get all upset about the back-stabbing betrayal by Ms. Stronach, but hold on a minute. Perhaps Stephen has a plan. Yes, a plan so cunning, you could pin a tail on it, and call it a weasel."

"Perhaps she's a plant. Yes, by George, a mole. How clever of Stephen and her. Or perhaps she's so stunningly incompetent that it's in our best interests to foist her off on the Liberals. Oh, bloody genius, that Stephen. Always thinking two moves ahead, he is."


"Or, on the other hand, we can just start shrieking like deranged banshees and calling her a traitorous whore. Yes, that seems easier."

You know, Garth, that whole "benefit of the doubt/time will tell" argument works a lot better if you've used it before. And not just for your own benefit.

BLOWBACK: Apparently, Mr. Turner is not popular within his own party now:

Conservative MP Garth Turner says he expects to be assigned an office in "a renovated washroom somewhere in a forgotten corner of a vermin-infested dank basement" after suggesting a former Liberal resign his seat and seek re-election before taking a Tory cabinet job.

Let me be blunt -- if Turner insists on staying in the CPC, he deserves that vermin-infested basement office. Given that he seems to have a lot of local constituent support, his best option is to leave the party and sit as an independent. That would show principle.

Of course, if he does that, he better not have any problems with being called a "whore."

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