Sunday, February 12, 2006

"Clueless": The CPC edition.

So, to recap:

  • After leaving the CPC and crossing the floor to the Liberals, Belinda Stronach is reviled by Canadian wanks everywhere as a traitorous whore, and told she would have to face the wrath of her riding in the next election. To the consternation of said wanks, Stronach wins re-election by an even larger margin as a Liberal.

  • Redefining the whole concept of "What's in it for me?", Liberal MP David Emerson crosses the floor to the CPC, and is defended as a man of honour who merely wants to serve his country by Stephen Harper and the CPC, who are undoubtedly taken aback by the reaction of Emerson's constituents, who seem to want little more than the chance to drag Emerson to the curb and beat him senseless with tire irons.

  • Responding to the David Emerson sleaziness, CPC MP Garth Turner publicly denounces the move and is subsequently branded as a self-serving publicity hound by other members of his own party who, by now, must be starting to feel a bit awkward given that support for Turner's stand on principle is gathering wide support from across the political spectrum.

The CPC: Perpetually on the wrong side of history.

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