Friday, November 27, 2020

"That's 1-800-Grifters! Call now!"

Apparently, the legal braintrusts over at Rebel News LLC and Laundromat have a spiffy new idea to separate the rubes from their rubles; unsurprisingly, it involves giving them lots and lots of money:

 "Free lawyers?" Wowzers, that sounds awesome, wait a minute ...

Ah, there's the catch ... everyone else will be footing the bill, while Ezra will be taking all the credit. Still, it's a fascinating concept, and I'm sure Ezra and the Ezrettes will be paragons of transparency in publishing full details of all of their donations, and cases accepted, and legal fee receipts and so on. I mean, heaven forfend that Rebel and its shareholders rake in close to a quarter million without explaining where it all went.

I'm sure I'm worried over nothing.

BY THE WAY, is it worth pointing out how this is exactly why Rebel News in no way qualifies as a "media outlet?" One of the most basic obligations of a responsible media outlet is to report the news as it happens; in this case, Rebel News is -- as always -- choosing to insinuate itself into the process and make itself part of the story, for no good reason.

In other words, Rebel News and Ezra are currently asking their gullible, mouth-breathing fans to hand over $200,000 for something that has absolutely nothing to do with actual journalism.

There is simply no educating some people, is there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Conservatives: "It's outrageous when white people have their rights infringed by The Man; we need to stand up to this police state fascism!"

Also Conservatives: "If only black people listened to the police, they wouldn't get shot."