Saturday, November 07, 2020


Currently, the notorious right-wing troll who was found by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to have defamed me maliciously -- in large part based on his open and public bragging that he was doing it explicitly to damage my professional reputation and make me unhireable -- and ended up declaring personal bankruptcy as a result of the massive judgment against him is, at the moment, lecturing others on the possibly dire consequences of trying to interfere with other peoples' employment prospects:

Life is strange.
AFTERSNARK: Right-wing troll who explicitly and deliberately tried to destroy my career and livelihood via vile and despicable online defamation currently waxing apoplectic about trying to destroy peoples' careers and livelihoods:


Anonymous said...

Have you had any success collecting this judgment, or has Patrick been able to evade paying with his meagre personal assets?

CC said...

Patience, grasshopper ... things are happening ...