The incomparable Dr. Dawg brings the following delightful bit of SDA commenter fiction to my attention:

Let us now begin the deconstruction:
Raphael used to write under his actual name but one day a Neo-Nazi called his home and threatened him. So he naturally decided to change the name under which he blogged.
Which is perfectly reasonable, except that a number of people have complained recently, not that Raphael has been blogging all this time under a pseudonym, but that he hadn't made that obvious. Personally, I don't care under what name you blog, but it's simply disingenuous to blog as, say, "John Smith" or "Raphael Alexander" if your name is not, in fact, John Smith or Raphael Alexander. At least have the nads to be up-front about it. No one's going to care; we just want to know, that's all. Ah, but then the lying begins:
When the National Post gave him the opportunity to write, many of the same type of Hateful Leftists we see trolling around in this post e-mailed the newspaper to try to shut him up. The most belligerent of these was "Canadian Cynic".
Really? I tried to shut down Raphael's Post writing gig? Wow -- I really am a total asshole. Or I would be if that's what I'd actually done. Quickly, Sherman, into the wayback machine:
I'm curious, Mr. McParland -- when did the Post decide that it was acceptable behaviour to allow people to be published as full commenters without giving their real names, as "Raphael Alexander" has been doing lately? (You *do* know that's not his actual name, right?)
If Mr. "Alexander" can be published thusly, I think I deserve a shot at it as well. Wouldn't you say that's fair?
Well, holy freakin' crap ... I was doing nothing of the sort. I was simply suggesting that if "Raphael" got to write behind a pseudonym, I wanted a shot at it, too. Which is, you know, not the same thing at all, is it?
And that's when SDA commenter "Robert W." finally goes full-metal deranged:
Google that name and you'll see more hate per square inch than perhaps anywhere else in this country.
Here's a thought, Robert -- as long as Kathy Shaidle has a blog, all the rest of us are simply competing for second. Really.
Oh, and when we on the Left keep repeating, "It's because they lie, all the time." -- that's not just a saying.
P.S. The thought of a commenter at Small Dead Animals whining about hate-filled blogs -- that's really precious, isn't it?
And Robert W is also propagating the new 'righty' meme--
Raphael used to write under his actual name but one day a Neo-Nazi called his home and threatened him . . . many of the same type of Hateful Leftists we see trolling around in this post e-mailed the newspaper to try to shut him up...
Yeah, 'cause the left is full of hateful neo nazis threatening people
Google that name and you'll see more hate per square inch than perhaps anywhere else in this country.
He's right. When I google it, all I find are links to RA's hate-filled rants.
Amazing how they see the (gleefully sadistic) demolition of their stupid arguments and the exposure of their gigantic lies as "hate."
These are the same turds who equate Michael Moore ("I sometimes skew my presentation to make my argument seem stronger") with Ann Coulter ("I joke about how I'd like to kill liberals").
Listen right-wing assholes, now and forever: Nobody gives a shit what you think, what you say, what you feel. You're dangerously deluded monstrosities who have cheered on atrocity after atrocity while you let your political masters rob you, and (the real hell of it) us decent people too.
Go home, lock the bedroom door and amuse yourselves with your stephen harper, mike harris colouring books and leave everybody else alone.
I've edited the post as per your email request CC.
It now reads:
"I have received permission to publish something on here, which hopefully will set the matter to rest ...
Raphael used to write under his actual name but one day a Neo-Nazi called his home and threatened him. So he naturally decided to change the name under which he blogged.
When the National Post gave him the opportunity to write, many of the same type of Hateful Leftists we see trolling around in this post e-mailed the newspaper to try to shut him up.
(Lance: Edited as per request and due to the fact that this is all third/fourth/fifth hand information.)
The fact is that Raphael had explained all of this to the National Post and they're fine with it.
... on a personal note, a few months ago I received death threats, not by telephone but through e-mail. It's more than a little freaky and so I do understand the way Raphael must have felt."
Dear Lance:
You are an idiot. I'll explain why when I think you've stopped being an idiot.
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