Wendy "Right Girl" Sullivan continues to make shit up:

Really? We here at CC HQ were among that site's defenders? Quickly, Robin, to the blog-wide search box into which one types "Pederastia" to find ...

But maybe we're not being fair to Wendy. Mr. Sulu! Long-range sensor scan! Aye aye, sir!
Ruh roh ...

I'd ask Wendy or any of the other pathological liars over there to provide a single link but ... I think we all understand the overwhelming futility of that invitation.
Keyboard cat! Play off the losers!
AFTERSNARK: I would be happy to have left a note to this effect over at Wendy's, but I am banned from commenting, which means that Wendy and others are free to libel and defame me with complete fictions while I am explicitly and deliberately prevented from setting the record straight. Does that surprise any of you?
Welcome to the Wankersphere. Facts optional. Reality unwelcome.
A DOUBLE SHOT OF SNARK: Does anyone else appreciate the entertainment value of Wendy getting all moral high-groundy about working with Dick "NAMBLA" Evans to shut down a site devoted to pederasty? Really, the irony is almost crippling, isn't it?
OH. DEAR. Wendy appears to be having second thoughts and is starting to walk it back:

Might have been useful to do that checking before making those accusations, Wendy. It's just a thought. It's what we grown-up bloggers do.
UH OH ... the chickens coming home to roost.
UM ... HUH? "NAMBLA" Dick Evans to the rescue. First, Dick has to correct Wendy, who pooched the site name, after which we notice that, curiously, the linked-to post that Dick provides has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone here at CC HQ, but I'm guessing details like that are for losers.
In short, Wendy defames CC HQ as supporting pederasty, while the NAMBLA-obsessed Dick Evans (unintentionally, I'm sure) explains how Wendy is full of crap, making the situation even worse. And your humble scribe (that would be me) is still banned from commenting over there and so is unable to correct the record.
I swear, if this could possibly get any funnier, I can't imagine how. Just keep giving them rope ...
P.S. For the properly skeptical among you:

I have no snark for this. Seriously. What possible snark is there?
Like I said CC, give them enough rope and they will hang themsleves
Man, they're talking me over there now. RightGirl is calling me "Little Bill" (...the Hell?). Gawd, I hope her ovaries aren't standing at attention.
Can't. Get. Clean. Must. Scrub. Harder.
She's a piece a work. A bunny-boiler.
Ti, this is why I am steering more or less clear of this situation, other than offering CC my own support.
I have waged this type battle once before, and there is no joy or winning,... when dealing with terminally stupid people they eventual explode and go off the deep end,...
My advice to CC still stands, document, observe, but disengage from these people, stop blogging about them,... in the end it is the best thing he can do,...
Holy crap, have you read Werner Patels' take on all this?!? It's fucking brilliant.
Werner "Grand Puba of Blogging" Patels attempts to tell us what's up about the "true meaning of blogging." Evidently, we all didn't "get the memo" that blogging should not be used for any other purpose other than to focus on issues and/or write opinions, and he blasts CC for focusing on issues and/or writing opinions IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH.
Then, in the comments, one Charles Anthony blast the CC blog because not all of the readers will "get it" therefore... I don't know. What? Therefore, it shouldn't exist?
I seriously have no idea what to make of this.
Attention all you bloggers blogging about anything that isn't "focusing on issues" and/or "writing opinions" or to those of you who write about things people might not "get": WE DIDN'T GET THE MEMO. WE'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Yawn. I find Werner Patels monumentally uninteresting. I've also had several people who know Werner tell me, offline, that they consider Werner to be mentally ill. And not "mentally ill" in the "What an annoying idiot" sense, but in the "Someone needs to get that guy some treatment in a hurry" sense.
I've never met him, and I have no interest in doing so. His opinions are valueless.
You're probably right, Zorpheous. But these people have such long records of being objectively psychotic/psychopatic/sociopathic, I'm amazed anyone ever takes them seriously. Wendy Sullivan was on Michael Coren's show recently (discussing, of all things, the Tamil protests like she has any expertise in that), Evans ran for public office (and got 2000 votes), Patrick Ross...Patrick Ross...no wait, it'll come to me...
I've been intrigued with this phenomenon of right wing psychopaths creating a reputation through racism, bigotry, dishonesty, vilification, defamation and bold-faced lying until they create such a *buzz* that the mainstream media, for reasons that mystify me, feel compelled to give them even more space in public discourse, while more intelligent, wittier, saner people are largely ignored.
What's next? Kathy Shaidle giving the next Massey Lecture?
There's a conspiracy, I tells ya. I'm not sure I'm joking about that, although it might just be a conspiracy of editors and television producers who don't know what the fuck they're doing anymore.
Hmmm.... Well folks, as a lurker on the poli-blogs, I can truthfully say you've led me to come to some conclusions about the Canadian political scene, via bloggers.
You're all idiots.
Both sides, and the supporters who rave them on. Short of grade school playground behavior, I don't think I've seen a level of stupidity like this in years. And yes, if one of my children got into spats like these, there would be some serious consequences for them. Grow up, the lot of you. Can we cut the knee-jerk left/right flogging, and try to provide some actual forward thinking ideas and solutions? I'm not holding out hope.
Two items:
a) Using a similar name redirect puts you right up there with spammers and phishers. That's approaching the only crime that I'd still support the death penalty for. Can you tell I work in IT?
b) Never, never bring up someones children or their employment in ANY discussion, online or not. It's verging on behavior that even I would recommend to the police for investigation.
Please, try to keep it clean folks.
I don't think I've seen a level of stupidity like this in years.
What? Did you sleep through the McCain/Palin campaign? The eight years of the Bush administration? Swiftboating, Tea-bagging...FoxNews? The sweater-vests? The last three years of a Parliamentary circus?
I mention this because this is the first time I've seen you here. You obviously find this kind of idiocy fascinating and worthwhile enough to chime in on it.
Sorry to say it, but you're part of the problem.
I get it, CodeSmith, you're totally above the fray. All the parties you've been observing are idiots. You're so freakin' superior.
Sounds like they're moving the goalposts at RG's. In the comments now, it's not 'pederastia' that you're linked to, but 'the puerist'. which still doesn't show up in a google search, but perhaps CC is eeeevilly genius about these things. I even tried the spelling peurist.
snicker. vw axesse
I've already updated this post about that.
At least we are consistent,...
Thanks for stopping by,...
Did anyone alert PZ that he is no longer to be taken seriously?
I haven't read Paddy-boy's post, but I can just imagine how it goes,...
"I may not be a University Professor with a Doctorate in Evolutionary, by I did sleep at Holiday Express last night,..."
So Zorph... we were promised over at Balbulican's the sordid tale of one Anonalogue...you guys going to spill the beans?
it might be an interesting lesson considering the present situation.
"I may not be a University Professor with a Doctorate in Evolutionary, by I did sleep at Holiday Express last night,..."
Would that it were that succinct and insightful. Instead it's just an overlong, rambling stream of consciousness that proves to me, once again, that the universities need to shut down for a while. I'm quite serous about that.
And somehow Zorpheous, CWTF and I are best buds...
Who knew?
I hope they don't expect christmas cards this year...
Have to give props to someone over at RightGirl's by the name of "Kate." Claims to be a Conservative, willing to substantiate it and coherent in her conservative critique of this issue.
I didn't think they're were any left.
"I hope they don't expect christmas cards this year..."
you're so mean,...
I thought we were all socket puppets,... Now we are real people with Christmas Card lists? Piffle, I never send Christmas Cards
I saw Kate's contributions. She's awesome, isn't she? Sadly, she probably has no idea that Dick is tracking her IP address right now to find out where she lives and works. I don't want to know how this turns out.
Mike, the Anonalogue tale is a very long tale to tell, and I still think it is best to leave it be,... given the events I see very little to gain from rehashing those old wounds.
Show up at CC's event on the 3rd and I'll tell you in person,...
Thanks for the welcome. (?)
Ti-Guy: I stay out of hashing about American politics. It's their side of the border, and a lot of it's internal. I wish them well, and hope that not too many of them have gotten screwed over. I'll leave notes about US foreign policy for another day.
Stimpson: Not above; outside, looking in.
My entry here was driven more by a hope that both sides could engage in productive dialog. I've been a voter for over 20 years, and I've never really been impressed by any of our pols. Well, maybe Joe Clark, as he tried to be a statesman, and at least Trudeau has some personal style.
But, I've been reading CC for almost a year now, and it's starting to suffer from the condition that drove me away from perusing SDA occasionally. Blatant snide, vicious, and rude hyperbole. It may make the groundlings chuckle, but I'm just tired of it.
Where's the intelligent discourse? Dare I ask for witty repartee?
As a great teacher once told me, (in Gr. 11 English, of all places), use the following format:
a) Point
b) Proof
c) Commentary
Just my two cents worth, I guess.
Actually, Codesmith, your point is well taken. Seriously, I think it's just from having wallowed in the lagoon that is Canada's Idiotsphere for this long. You can't do that and stay totally sane.
We can do better. I know I can.
"Thanks for the welcome."
you'd prefer we called you an idiot?
what a fucking fraud.
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