Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Have goalposts, will travel.

Shorter Suzie ALL-CAPS: What is this "pro-choice" of which you speak?


Real_PHV_Mentarch said...

Gee - talk about wishful thinking on her part while at the same time projecting her own insecurities as being part of the *actual* minority on the matter.

Also, it is curious how difficult it is for her to spell correctly "legitimate" (which she keeps on spelling "legitamite" - freudian typo, perhaps? To paraphrase her: "I wonder about that" ...)

Balbulican said...

You're mistaken. "Legitamite" is a dietary supplement like "marmite" or "vegemite": you feed it to young unmarried women, and it suppresses any desire to have sex unless the baby's going to be "legitimate".

Sparky said...

Patrick also seems gung-ho on hanging the term 'pro-abortion' on anyone who thinks that the freedom for a woman to choose is a good thing.
It's the new sound bite they have to dump all over pro-choice people--"See??? those pro-aborts over there--they're bad!!!"
I guess their hope is that more people will shy away from supporting pro-choice 'cause "pro-abortion" sounds 'scarier'...
They are re-defining the arguement so they think they have a hope of winning it this time...

Cameron Campbell said...

I've been banned because I suggested to Patrick that he go comb his mullet.

Oh well.

pierre poutine said...

Typical hypocrisy. The "pro-life" side raised a huge stink about the media labelling it anti-abortion, which is a far more accurate descriptor of its stance than pro-abortion is of the pro-choice position.