This adorable little space buggy is the Aptera. Yes! Want. It is a three wheeled electric and soon electric/hybrid vehicle that achieves mileage equivalent to between 200 and 250 MPG. And because it is more intelligently designed (take that O'Leary and other tards) the wizards of Congress down in the ol' US of A are denying it a slice of the loans and subsidy pie. That would be the 25 billion tax payer's dollar pie set aside for the development and manufacture of more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. That would be the same pie that the serial fuckwits, design cretins and terminal failures at General Motors have petitioned for something on the order of 8 billion smackroos. GM, a company that sucks and blows and produces shitbox after shitbox will no doubt cash some big old checks. Aptera, a company that appears to deliver, nada.
electric, smelectric
I want my locally-built air car!
the air car is good too. interesting to see how quickly that gets past the petro-lobby. the air car isn't as sci-fi looking as the aptera though.
Just more proof that this whole "stimulus" thing is really nothing more than corporate welfare and wealth transfer to the supporters of those in Congress.
I'd be very happy to get one of those Aptera's - very cool looking
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