Refresh my memory -- why exactly are we in Afghanistan again?
Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape'
Afghanistan's President, Hamid Karzai, has signed a law which "legalises" rape, women's groups and the United Nations warn. Critics claim the president helped rush the bill through parliament in a bid to appease Islamic fundamentalists ahead of elections in August.
In a massive blow for women's rights, the new Shia Family Law negates the need for sexual consent between married couples, tacitly approves child marriage and restricts a woman's right to leave the home, according to UN papers seen by The Independent.
I'd ask Stephen Taylor's Blogging Tories what they think of this exciting new political development, but they're kind of occupied "defending" free speech while simultaneously shrieking about George Galloway, so their schedules are a bit full.
P.S. I'd ask Blogging Tory co-founder and Manning Centre for Building Democracy's Stephen Taylor himself about this novel experiment in Afghan "democracy" but, last time I looked, Stephen was just crazy busy pressing the flesh and eating well:

Sure, Afghan women being raped sucks, but there's an open bar and Stephen always understands his priorities.
P.P.S. Wouldn't it be great fun to check in occasionally on Stephen Taylor and his
Yeah, let's see if anyone over there in Wankerville can remove their nose from Ezra Levant's asscrack long enough to stand up for the chicks.
I don't plan on being optimistic.
Actually, the Blogging Tories should be along any minute now to remind us that things could be much, much worse for the Afghani wimminz if we weren't over there.
Just wait for it... any minute now...
And meanwhile, over in Iraq the new "democratic", "human rights respecting" government is about to execute people for being gay.
Yeah, that Iraq adventure didn't really work out as planned, did it?
I blame the liberals.
omfg. sickening.
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