Saturday, March 07, 2009

And suddenly, Raging Wanker got vewwwy, vewwwy quiet.

For someone who's fit, young, angry, loud and raging, Blogging Tory Justin Hoffer sure went silent in a hurry once people lined up to kick the living crap out of him.

Stephen Taylor must be so proud. Justin must be part of the new BT Diversity Program -- you know, giving retards a chance to blog as well.


Paladiea said...

"Diversity Program"? How do you figure CC? They've always been morons. ALL of them.

I haven't seen anything so predictably homogeneous since I was in the wheat fields last.

sooey said...

The Pompeii "analogy" was hilariously mean.

Some Guy said...

What's really hilarious is that your posts prove positive that I have a life, and you don't. I don't sit and stare at my computer all day waiting for comments to reply to. I go out, socially interact, and even sometimes sleep, unlike what you seem to do.

LuLu said...

As skeptical as you may be about that crazy thing called evolution, Justin, I'm even more skeptical about you having a life. WoW tournaments don't count -- I'm just sayin'.

P.S. Shouldn't that be "live"?

Dave said...

What's really hilarious is that your posts prove positive that I have a life, and you don't. I don't sit and stare at my computer all day waiting for comments to reply to. I go out, socially interact, and even sometimes sleep, unlike what you seem to do.


Except for this one occasion, where you dropped your "live" to leave a comment at a place where you accuse someone else of not having one.

Not that that was ever the point.

What LuLu said.

Sheena said...

Google Ad words are the funniest part of some blogs. Wonder if it's related to the deities over here at Our Lady of Creepy Spooky Word Verficiationism.

From that guys blog a few minutes ago

David Webb said...

"My main issue is how it is taught as a fact, when in reality it is nothing but a theory, one with strong evidential support, but not one that is proven."

And that is why you fail Justin.

Some Guy said...

"And that is why you fail Justin."

Please elaborate.

"WoW tournaments don't count"

I never have nor will I have play World of Warcraft.

"P.S. Shouldn't that be "live"?"

You're making fun of a simple spelling error? Wow... that's just sad.

Cameron Campbell said...

The term "theory" in the context of, say, a sentence like this "I have a theory why Justin's last 3 girlfriends were named "Klennex" and why he's so stupid" and the term theory in the context of "The theory of evolution" do not have the same meaning.

Gravity is a theory...

Wanna debate that with us as well?

LuLu said...

I never have nor will I have play World of Warcraft.

Really? Wow ... that's just sad.

P.S. Yes, I am making fun of your grammar. You should really try to make this harder for me, muffin.

David Webb said...

"Please elaborate."

I'll let Larry Moran do it.

Evolution is a fact and a theory.

Some Guy said...

Wow. Just... Wow... Is this the best you people can do? That's sad... Making fun of a single spelling error that I made on the fly, which everyone does... Saying stupid things like saying my girlfriends are "Klennex", (OMG! A spelling error! roflmfao lol lol lol11!!!!11!).

Grow up.

sooey said...

Isn't it "Kleenex"?

Dave said...

OK, this is a little creepy.

I just dropped by, since I left a comment to see what might have happened.

There is Justin, who claims to have a life which precludes getting into pig-fights over small stuff, (something which, by the way, I would completely accept) has now made three appearances to defend himself.

Is that so bad?


But it's the suggestion that one is "never wrong" coupled with the "I'm too fulfilled elsewhere" and the "I have to get into the strawman arguments" which I find so creepy.

This is pure Raphael Alexander stuff (which we know is not his real name).

The similarity of M.O. really does send chills down my spine.

Scott MacNeil said...

Okay, it's a given Justin has problems. But the rest of you are no better - petty children all.