Canada's most prominent and clinically deranged creationist Denyse O'Leary lubes up and takes a break from yammering on ignorantly about Intelligent Design to switch Sybians and ride her latest hobby horse -- Canada's Human Rights Commission:
Hey Ez: Canadians, whether Liberals or Conservatives, are not so far gone that all we want is for government to ram PC crap down our throats. Freedom is still a winner. Remember, Chariots of Fire - as in Fire. All. The. Nannies. Who. Specialize. In Nannying. Adults:
This is particularly amusing since, if there were ever the perfect example of the intellectual "nanny state," it would be Intelligent Design, as in:
We supporters of ID would like to be considered a viable alternative to actual science, but we'd appreciate it if you didn't hold us up to the same grueling standards of science; you know, with that ugly obsession you have with logic, facts, evidence and stuff like that there.
Instead, while we'd like science to still have to employ rigourous standards of experimentation and research, we'd like ID to get a free pass, and just be able to churn out books and movies and, most importantly, be introduced into school curriculums without the inconvenience of, you know, proof or substantiation or peer review and all the rest of that stuff that we're not very good at, thanks very much.
Yes, Denyse -- as a devout supporter of the pseudo-scientific, Intelligent Design "nanny state," you're just the person who should be cluelessly slagging it post after post.
The lack of self-awareness is awesome, isn't it?
The complex of nutcases rallying around this cause is getting a little difficult to unpack. I wish the CBC would do a documentary on it, or something.
My biggest concern about removing expression from the realm of civil law/mediation has arises from witnessing, up front an personal, the American example...50% of the population is now completely irrational, proof positive that free speech absolutism does not create a wonderful "free market" where the best ideas prevail. Just the opposite.
A free speech advocate who doesn't allow comments on her blog. You've gotta love it.
They're the biggest censors there are. We ALL know that.
Anyone who thinks censors have anything useful to say about freedom of expression should have their heads examined.
That includes Alan Borovoy and a number of other elitist liberals who are overly convinced (mostly by their own vanity but also by being largely out of step with the masses) that we inhabit a reality where the best ideas prevail in a wonderful, purely democratic forum where all ideas are challenged robustly.
We do not. Far from it. We exist in a reality where the expression of true, substantive dissent and the expression of vital, necessary ideas are nearly impossible and that "free speech absolutism" is really just an illusion maintained to convince people that the best ideas are, or will be shortly, prevailing.
It's a complete farce. We're living, right now, in a global corporate dictatorship, as John Pilger calls it.
The Soviets were lucky....they knew they weren't free.
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