From the latest report from Moscow on the Assiniboine, probably the funniest line you'll read all day:
Indeed, one well-known blogging Tory was wandering the hallways outside the convention area ruefully approaching reporters and holding up his yellow, party-issued media accreditation.
"These things actually restrict access," he said.
"We'd like to thank all of our loyal Blogging Tory supporters, who are now welcome to piss off and shut the fuck up, thanks for coming, and keep those membership fees rolling in. Suckers."
Secrecy and paranoia seems to be part of the DNA of this bunch.
Either that, or their actually embarrassed by some the goofy and/or fascistic ideas that bubble up from the fetid swamp... err, grassroots, I mean.
Well, that's certainly one way to make sure the press has a liberal bias.
And confirm the secret agenda, of course.
When you have a whole convention full of Sarah Palin's, you have to protect your convention from the uninspired media types who are going to blow everything out of proportion and make the whole CPOC membership look like a bunch of W's. Why can't any of you understand the facts of life?
Well, they could just pack it in and go for pitchers of Fort Garry Dark at the Vendome.
WV = eversh
Ha! When the bloggers were told they could come to the convention and do their blogging from there, did they actually think they'd be seen as anything but unpaid parrots, dutifully repeating anything they were told to repeat?
Someone at party HQ was thinking, "Hm...they're on our side already, they've got access to the Internet, they've got lots of readers, they'll believe anything we tell them, and we don't need to put them on our budget! Perfect!"
WV: frasist
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