Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This could get hilarious.

I think Hunter’s head just exploded.

No, seriously.

CC here: God Almighty, but Hunter is a dumb bitch:

Our ace in the hole is oil. If they try to stop auto manufacturing in Ontario, we can slap them with reduced oil supplies.

No, Hunter, you ignorant twat, we can't:

The only condition that NAFTA imposes on Canadian energy products is that all buyers in North America must have equal rights to buy those products...

NAFTA prohibits the Canadian government from imposing (under normal conditions) any restriction that causes U.S. imports of Canadian energy to fall. In essence, therefore, NAFTA does prevent the Canadian government from imposing a policy like the National Energy Program in the 1980s.

Feel free to read that again if you're as astonishingly retarded as Hunter -- "all buyers in North America must have equal rights to buy those products." In short, Canada does not have the right to restrict the sale of oil to the U.S. in retaliation for anything. Period. Full stop. End of story.

Fuck, but I just can't handle the stupidity anymore. Seriously. God, but that woman is an imbecile.


Ti-Guy said...

How would one be able to tell if her her noggin is still intact or not?

Red Tory said...

You shouldn't punish yourself... The woman is deeply ignorant.

CanuckRover said...

I hate to say it, but I think hunter is in the right. It goes both ways. If the United States decides it wants to disregard NAFTA then the agreement falls apart. If Obama decided to restrict labour movement it's silly to suggest that Canada would be defenceless.

The Seer said...

If "[t]he only condition that NAFTA imposes on Canadian energy products is that all buyers in North America must have equal rights to buy those products..." then Alberta cannot restrain trade in oil to the detriment of other provinces.

Southern Quebec said...

Come on Lulu. Lighten up. Don't you go to ClimbingintotheDark for your morning stupid? She takes stupid to a truely unique level. This is the base of the CPOC.

CC said...


The U.S. has already violated NAFTA -- think "softwood lumber." But rather than stand up to the criminals down south, the Harper government folded and handed them a billion dollars to ease their widdle feelings.

By all accounts, it's safe to say that the U.S. is quite free to break NAFTA however they want, and the Harper Party of Canada isn't going to do squat about it.

Unknown said...

Actually, I think you're being a little hard on Hunter here. First of all, your interpretation of NAFTA is technically incorrect - we CAN reduce exports of oil to the United States, we just also then have to reduce our own consumption (hence equal rights to buy). More importantly, as some others have pointed out, although it would violate NAFTA to hold out on oil exports, they US already set a precedent for this with softwood lumber.

Honestly, the biggest issue with what Hunter is saying is that she somehow believes the Harper government would ever do anything to remotely offend the American government, even if NAFTA permitted it. With regards to softwood lumber, Harper sold us out to the United States just days before the US courts ruled in our favour.

Ti-Guy said...

The biggest issue with Hunter is that she's illiterate.

I had always thought of the state of ignorance to be a kind of innocence and purity that was almost noble. That was before the Internet of course. I never realised that so many of the ignorant were also so very vile, nasty, brutish and malign.

sinned34 said...

Yeah, good luck trying to bully the USA about anything. Their economy is HOW much larger than ours? If they slapped a trade embargo on Canada because we stopped shipping oil, it'd be a matter of days before we'd be begging to resume regular trade.

Plus, can you REALLY see the Conservatives, whose entire base is Alberta and Saskatchewan, (you've heard the phrase "Texas North", right?) risking those provinces' livelihood for hated Ontario? Let's be realistic: the entire US Senate could sleep with Harper's wife while he watched, and he wouldn't dare lift a finger to stop it.

Luna said...

Oy. Can we *please* not have the misogynistic slurs? I know she's an idiot, but words like 'twat' and 'bitch' really do make it look like you hate her in part because she's a woman. (Yes, I know you're a woman, LuLu. Doesn't matter. Women can be women haters too. Just ask Phyllis Schlafly sometime).

Seriously, imagine she's black and replace those words with nigger and porch-monkey. Not cool, is it?