Friday, November 07, 2008

Sometimes, there are no words.

It's when they get this casual about their bigotry that you know there's no possibility of discussion anymore.

Blogging Tory co-founder Stephen Taylor must be so proud.


Ti-Guy said...

When I read posts like that, I really do feel like I'm in Groundhog Day. Five years after equal marriage became a reality in Canada and people are having the same discussions, over and over again.

Niles said...

C'mon CC, there are always words. The unequal marriage proponents just insist on using the same words. "la-la-la-I can't hear you-la-la-la"

Why maybe some day, by that sterling logic, a blogging Tory will have the right to get married -- so long as it's to a liberal (just for the rebalancing of genetics of course) That won't be discrimination at all.