Thursday, November 13, 2008

Please, for the love of God ...

... shut the hell up already.

P.S. I realize that this obsession with the deranged Palin-bot is becoming unseemly but, really, it's the train wreck that you just can't look away from.

Wait, no, it's worse than that. It's, as one Slate commenter described it:

“Train wreck” is being charitable – it's more like a train derailing on a bridge, tumbling a thousand feet into a canyon and landing on a pile of old dynamite and gas drums. And then a jumbo jet crashes into the flaming wreckage. Followed by an earthquake that causes the whole mess to slide off a cliff into the sea, where the few miraculous survivors are eaten by sharks.

Yeah, it's kinda like that. But worse.


liberal supporter said...

A train wreck of Biblical proportions.

Come on, wv=wittopod ?

sooey said...

Are you kidding? I lurve her now the campaign is over!

liberal supporter said...

Thank God for the secret ballot!

Saskboy said...

Then the sharks exploded, right?