Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Looks good on you – Part II.

Dear shrieky, homophobic god-botherers:

Reading this merely reinforces my belief that karma truly is a beautiful thing.

Colorado Independent reports that Focus on the Family “is poised to announce major layoffs to its Colorado Springs-based ministry and media empire today.” The layoffs come after the right-wing group spent more than $600,000 to defeat marriage equality in California. Praising the passage of Prop. 8, the group said that the measure “helps protect millions of children from radical indoctrination in the homosexual lifestyle.” The group also touted its involvement collecting signatures and gathering donations, patting itself on the back for being “integrally involved” in the fight against marriage equality.

So you’re out of a job just in time for Christmas in an economy that’s rapidly circling the drain. Wow, that kind of sucks. No doubt you’ll be able to take great comfort in knowing that your sacrifice ensured that gay people can’t get married in the state of California ... for now.

Now go fuck off to the unemployment line.

Yours in endlessly amused disdain,

1 comment:

Cameron Campbell said...

worse still, what do you put on your CV