Blogging Tory and dead minority aficionado "Neo Conservative" tries his hand at standup comedy:

After which Neo returned to his police scanner with a hankering for reports of dead blacks and a box of Kleenex.
Probably more than you really needed to know.
Neo's quoting Ace of Spades? This Ace of Spades?
Two words ... Awe. Some.
I remember reading about that study something like a year ago. It didn't say, as Neo seems to think, that those five foundations are good or right foundations of morality -- only that those are the ones that people can be said to use. It was descriptive, not prescriptive, in other words.
And no, it didn't say that liberal morality was based "only" on those two foundations -- just that people who describe themselves as politically liberal tend, on the whole, to value those two more than they do the other three.
Link above to a TED talk about this very topic. It's apparently quite a strong difference between the two groups, and the lecture at least makes some good points about why conservatives are necessary (some would argue necessary evil) to society.
The points being made in the talk are just that the areas that conservatives put much stronger emphasis on (authority, purity, loyalty) often sound ridiculous to the non-conservative, but that we should all play nice if we can, and see the benefits of all points of view.
I should note that I don't necessarily agree with the sentiments of the talk, but it is coming from a good source, at the bottom.
If I shud have any cred left as a "liberal," I have to say he's got me on the "purity/sanctity" business, as well as the "authority/respect" business. But, for me at least, "ingroup/loyalty" is too tuff a nut to crack. I still hate the US Air Force, and laff at the Navy and Marine Corps, even tho I hated the Army. I remainl a "cultural Catholic".
Now let's get to Canadians in general.
Peter Jennings once said, on American television, before he died, that he knew he was back in Canada when he went to something like a world series game in Toronto. He gets out of the ball park after the game and there's one cop directing traffic. The cop tells people leaving the ballpark to stop. Everyone stops.
This is not going to happen in New York. Or Chicago. Or Detroit. There are, FWIW, more car/pedestrian accidents in the tiny little city of Ann Arbor, home to the University of Michigan, than any jurisdiction in Michigan except Detroit.
Notice I didn't even say anything about saying the wrong thing about Her Majesty the Queen to Canadians.
Canadians do not take authority with a grain of salt; even neocons in the US do. Canadians have the same orientation to authority that Catholics have towards guilt.
I hope this doesn't hurt anyone's feelings.
Chester opines:
"I remember reading about that study something like a year ago. It didn't say, as Neo seems to think, ..."
Dear Chet:
The next time you use the words "Neo" and "think" in such close proximity, I will hunt you down and give you such a wedgie.
Heh! Sorry about that! Would "believe" work better for you?
The Seer said: Canadians do not take authority with a grain of salt; even neocons in the US do. Canadians have the same orientation to authority that Catholics have towards guilt...
...except that Canadians show respect for sensible authority (cop stopping traffic) but quite a lot of politely skeptical scrutiny for dumb authority. I'm proud to be an adopted Canuck, especially so when I see yet another archetypal Canadian decision which evades consistency in order to arrive at an outcome both practical and civil. Americans seem to be a lot more of the "collect the entire set" bunch.
~has a whole sackful of further generalizations, both fresh and well aged~
Let's get back o the authority/respect thing. Using naughty words about BT's demonstrates lack of respect; criticizing the BT's is like criticizing The Bible since both The Bible and Blogging Tories are Christian Institutions. Good Christians don't do things like that. It really makes good Christians mad when someone else does. It's probably against the Natural Law.
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