Monday, November 24, 2008

If she were any less self-aware ...

12-year-old Blogging Tory "Hunter": "What struck me is that only one reporter asked an intelligent question, the others were parrots, talking, but having no real understanding of what they were saying."

Tune in next week when Hunter accuses someone else of being a parrot and of having no idea what they're saying. No, really.

P.S. Dear Hunter: You might be more articulate if you took Stephen's dick out of your mouth. It's just a suggestion.


Red Tory said...

No kidding.

"Hunter" is only impressed by Harper's responses because she has the understanding of a fruit fly when it comes to economics... or anything really. A more egregiously stupid person, it would be difficult to imagine.

Southern Quebec said...

Red: Try MaryT -- she makes Hunter look like Mensa material.

Ti-Guy said...

It depresses me that people like Hunter are parents.

Red Tory said...

SQ — They're a sad lot... it's really just a matter of degrees between them. Dumb and dumber.