Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Change we can believe in.

Except not so much - could the Democrats be more fucking spineless?


And furthermore. When someone pulls shit like this, you boot their double-dealing ass to the curb. Got it? You don’t smack them on the wrist and leave them in a plum committee post where they’ve done sweet fuck-all with their gavel for the past 2 years.

And so what if he threatened to join the Republicans? He’s been a Republican in everything but name for quite some time.


Dr.Dawg said...

You left out the comma:

"Change, we can believe in."

The Seer said...

We used to keep Dixiecrats — proslavery, or at least anti-civil rights Southern Democrats - in the caucus. They were with us on the economic issues. Foreign policy too, in most cases. It's life. In the U S A.

Ti-Guy said...

I don't think anyone here needs to have the USA explained to them.

I don't get this attachment to Lieberman. Has Mossad got the goods on all the Demcorats?

Lindsay Stewart said...

ahem, insert told ya so here ..............

mikmik said...

Lieberman-Palin 2012.

How the most blatantly undeserving and small-minded frauds rise to such prominence is a frustration that I handle with copious alcohols (not really) or denial. It is all a hallucination, isn't it.

(this word verification is smarter than 90% of politicians - weemen!!!!!)

KEvron said...

dumping on joe wouldn't play well, especially given obama's current "reach across the isle" attitude.

still, would have been swell to see joe lose his homeland security chair.


Ti-Guy said...

It's just that the Dems never seem to give their base anything.

KEvron said...

so, shun lieberman, who has caucused with the dems even since his departure from the party, in an act of pure retribution, just to throw the "base" (whoever they may be - dems aren't as homogenous as repubs) a meatless bone?

i think nomentum joe is an asshole, but it's better to keep him close. just turn up the nose a bit more. leiberman will be a key figure in bipartisan cooperation.


Lindsay Stewart said...

but ti as far as reid and pelosi are concerned, they are giving to their base. the left of centre, liberally inclined folk that exist online are a source of funds and chatter, no more. the net roots don't have access or influence in the halls of democratic washington. all the deals that get done that keep shitweasels like lieberman comfortably ensconced are signed, sealed and delivered without a lick of concern for the folks that swooned for barry.

KEvron said...

"without a lick of concern for the folks that swooned for barry."

yeah, because those folks are so concerned about leiberman's inclusion....
