Monday, November 05, 2007

The cognitive dissonance should be spectacular.

I can't wait for the inevitable train wreck here. First, once again, there's this recent development:

But get yourself convicted of having sex with teenagers in Cuba -- that noted bastion of democracy, fair trials and the rule of the law -- and your government's response is "Gee, good luck with that." In the case of Edmontonian Perry King, who has steadfastly maintained his innocence, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day has turned his back on past practice of arranging to at least have sentences served in Canada.

Why, yes, and does it surprise anyone that Canada's conservatives (right-wing punditry included) aren't breaking a sweat over murderers, or (alleged) statutory rapists, or whoever they decide just makes them feel all icky?

So one can't help but wonder how well this is going to go over with Canada's law-and-order wingnuts:


KABUL, JAN. 8, 2001 ( From now on, anyone who converts to Christianity, preaches the gospel, or proselytizes in Afghanistan can be condemned to death. The decision was decreed by Nohammad Omar, leader of the Taliban movement, which over the past 4 years has imposed the "shariah" in virtually the entire Afghan territory. The "shariah" is Islamic law applied to civil society. The news was confirmed today by Vatican Radio.

In addition, the measure provides for other punishments; for example, the proprietors of bookstores selling offensive books or sources for the propagation of "false beliefs," will be punished by 5 years of imprisonment. The harsh measures of the Taliban leader are justified by stating that they defend the country from alleged attempts of unidentified "enemies" of Islam, both within and without, who seek to "corrupt Muslims by offering them economic incentives if they convert to Christianity or Judaism."

Granted, the above was in effect only when the Taliban was running things in Afghanistan, but it's not hard to identify numerous countries around the world where Christian evangelism is just plain illegal, and may result in deportation, jail time or, in extreme cases, a death sentence. To which one might, if one were a bit shallow, simply say, "Hey, you knew the laws when you stepped off the plane so, good luck with that." Yes, I'm sure Steve Harper and his slavishly obedient Harperettes will be absolute bastions of consistency here.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Sometimes, I crack me up.


The Seer said...

Today's crop of posts is evidence that Canadians do not comprehend the gravity of the situation in Pakistan. How can Dear Leader keep the nation focused on the need for war with Iran when the MSM keeps obsessing about Pakistan's nukes?

Sheena said...

Why are you not using your power to stop the triumph of SDA (aka Boringland) over hot chick Raymi The Minx?

Paladiea said...

Freeping polls is the wingnut specialty. If it was real live actual life, then we'd have the advantage, and frankly, I'd rather have it that way.