Sunday, November 11, 2007

Christians behaving stupidly.

No, really.


Ti-Guy said...

Fuck The Catholic League. If religious parents are concerned that their children are being indoctrinated into evil atheism, they are obviously not doing a good job and really should have had abortions.

...with that, I'm off to Church on this blissful and sunny Sunday morn.

E in MD said...

I think this should be the litmus test for all those idiots who come to your door at 8am on a Sunday to try to convert you.

"You're a real Christian eh? Put your hand in this tank. Bible says you should be fine if this cobra bites you."

I think that if the plaintiff's story is true though I'd sue too. Medical crews shouldn't be making derogatory comments about anyone reguardless of their beliefs. I wouldn't tolerate that shit from a Christian EMT making fun of my American Atheist necklace any more than I'd tolerate it from an Atheist EMT making fun of a Christian.

My own personal feelings are that people with half a brain know not to fuck with poisonous snakes. When the snake bites you, don't get pissed off at the snake. You get pissed off at yourself for being a dumbass. But even so, medical personnel should be above those sort of jokes. Thankfully though, I'm not an EMT.

Red Tory said...

What a loathsome blowhard Bill Donohue is.

Chimera said...

Some "Christians" are definitely not paying attention. Rowan Williams -- the Archbishop of Canterbury -- is a big fan of Philip Pullman's books.

Now, if the second-in-command of the Church of England (and that kinda makes him a big deal in the Christian world) loves the books, where does anyone get off saying that they're anti-Christian?

Balbulican said...

Well, actually, I found them anti-Christian, or at least extremely negative as regards Christian churches. But so what? I'm an atheist, but a huge fan of both the Narnia series and the Perelandra trilogy, both purely Christian fiction. The notion that you have to agree with a novelist's spiritual perspective to appreciate their work is absurd.

Chimera said...

Williams says he found them to be not anti-Christian, but anti-dogma and anti-oppression. And that's what he liked about them.

I'll know more about it for myself, soon. I pick up my own copy of the book on Tuesday, if all goes well. Can't believe how fast the stores sold out once the controversy started...

Anonymous said...

Most evangelical fundie types (at least all the ones I grew up with) would consider the top guys of the C of E not to be Xtians to begin with. They're almost Catholics, after all. *gasp*

So Rowan Williams' endorsement of the Pullman books would just prove (to themselves) that they're right. And it would be a circular thing: his endorsement would prove the Pullman books were bad; and since the Pullman books are bad, and he endorsed them, that proves he's bad. And if he's bad, and he endorsed the books, then they're bad.

And so on. And so on. And so on.