Monday, November 05, 2007

... and the clinically sane people back slowly toward the exits.

I swear, there has to be a DSM-IV name for this.


Ti-Guy said...

*ahem*..."Borderline Personality Disorder."

E in MD said...

After taking Psych for 4 years and loving it I'd help, but apparently I'm not in the cool people list. It's access denied for me.

JJ said...

It's a KKKult -- "You're one of us... one of us... one of us... and this must not happen... must not happen... must not happen..."


Ti-Guy said...

It's access denied for me.

That's only because KKKate's banned referrals from Canadian Cynic. You can cut 'n paste the url into another browser window or (with FireFox) just hit the green "go" arrow beside the location bar.

...Not that it's ever worth it, mind. It's fuckin' Small Dead Minds after all...the posts all consist of a link to an idiotic wingnut site, or wingnut quote, KKKate proclaiming "heh" and a bunch of illiterates chanting "Grate post, Kate!"