Sunday, September 17, 2006

Apparently, some minefields are just meant to be run through.

There was this:

Accused of lacking leadership as Canadian hosts of an international HIV/AIDS conference, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government has cancelled related policy announcements "while the issue is so politicized."

Then there was this:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says this is not the time to start discussing how the Montreal college shootings might have been prevented.

He says all the facts aren’t in yet from Wednesday’s attack and it’s too early to begin a political discussion.

And, of course, this:

Given the intense controversy surrounding the proposed softwood lumber resolution, PM Stephen Harper promised to delay any implementation, claiming that this just wasn't the right time, as the issue had become too "politicized" and ... and ...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't even finish inventing that last sentence with a straight face. Must be getting old.

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