Friday, June 02, 2006

"He knows where you've been surfing ..."

Remember -- if you're an American with nothing to hide, this shouldn't worry you (emphasis added):

The Justice Department is asking Internet companies to keep records on the Web-surfing activities of their customers to aid law enforcement, and may propose legislation to force them to do so...

The Justice Department is not asking the Internet companies to give it data about users, but rather to retain information that could be subpoenaed through existing laws and procedures, Mr. Roehrkasse said.

While initial proposals were vague, executives from companies that attended the meeting said they gathered that the department was interested in records that would allow them to identify which individuals visited certain Web sites and possibly conducted searches using certain terms.

Now, before you get too outraged, take a minute to appreciate the entertainment potential. It might be a hoot to let the DOJ know you're interested in "George Bush+cocaine." Or"Jenna Bush+alcoholic+slut". Or "hotnakedlynnecheney". Or "Steve Janke+al Qaeda terrorist".

OK, maybe that last one's not really that funny. Actually ... no, I take it back. It's hilarious.


Zorpheous said...

You're evil! I like that in a martini drink dawg!

Saskboy said... was apparently shut down by Mr. Volpe with a call to
I didn't get to see the content, but it sounds like we have our own government figures that need a lesson on the rights of Canadians.

Do you know anything about Canadian domain registrations, and if CIRA can shut down a site upon request if it contains no illegal material?