Sunday, March 12, 2006

"CC? He's a fair man. Cruel, but fair."

When you get this kind of an opportunity to put your foot up someone's ass, well, you'd be nuts to let it go by, wouldn't you?

Remember this total dumbass, condescendingly explaining that being "topped" was absolutely, no way, not the same thing as being "breached" and how could you asshole liberals be so ignorant and blah blah blah ...

Well, let's check in on The Poor Man, where he shares with us the final report of the N.O. levee failures from the Corps of Engineers which, we can all assume, know a fuck of a lot more about levees and everything else than Jason.

Quoth The Poor Man:

Unprecedented high water pushed back the floodwall, which is set into the center of the earthen levee. Once water got between the floodwall and the front half of the levee, it effectively cut the levee in half lengthwise.

The floods then pushed the floodwall, and the half of the levee behind it, backward on a layer of soft clay below the surface, the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force report said.

The floodwall’s design didn’t include either the possibility that water could get between it and the levee or that the clay might be unstable, corps officials and others said in a news conference. And, they said, it took both to create the break: neither alone would have done it.

In other words (and, yes, I will summarize this for those of you who are as stupefyingly retarded as Jason), once those levees were topped, an eventual catastrophic failure was inevitable.

How about that? See, those are the kinds of things you learn when you understand science.


Anonymous said...

I have taken a vow that the next time I hear someone parsing the difference between "breaching" and "overtopping," I'm going to do some breaching and overtopping of my own.

Please be sure to bail me out at that time.

Rev.Paperboy said...

I would have thought that by now Jinx McDumbfuck would have realized that he has been both breached and topped.

CC said...

In a totally heterosexual way, of course.