Wednesday, February 08, 2006

At least he knows his way around a courtroom.

Via Balaurulus, we learn that new federal justice minister Vic Toews pleaded guilty to breaking Manitoba election laws in 1999.

Man, I can't wait for this cabinet to get up a full head of steam. I hope political cartoonists from coast to coast are ready for these dingbats. I recommend some strenuous stretching first, to prevent injury.


Anonymous said...

This is not news to any Manitoban. We've known about the Redneck Mennonite here for years - he was a staple of Gary "Weasel Boy" Filmon's provincial government, and one of the reasons why Gary Doer, the NDP Premier who replaced him, has the highest approval rating of any politician in Canada.

With all the kerfuffle over Emerson and Fortier, most people haven't noticed that Vic Toews may be the single most wretched Cabinet decision Stephen Harper will ever make. He makes Stockwell Day look like Bill Clinton in comparison.

Dave said...

I listened to his answer to a reporter on the radio. He claims that he did not intentionally do anything wrong... but he pled guilty because he felt it was his duty to take responsibility.

Nice try. The difference between pleading guilty and being found guilty is nothing in that "intent" is established.

Anonymous said...

Peter Rempel, you're a fool. I'm Mennonite, you're probably Mennonite, Vic Toews is most certainly Mennonite. Pointing it out is appropriate, especially when his basic moral and political tenets fly in the face of everything that distinguishes the Mennonite faith.

I have many, many Mennonite friends and relatives, and without exception they're ashamed and embarrassed by Vic Toews and his ilk, the "Redneck Mennonites" who walk among us. We place a huge value on compassion and education, two things of which he has demonstrated very little.

You don't like it? Tough. You don't understand it? I'd suggest reading a book, it might teach you something. I'd suggest starting with The Bible, but only if you can understand that it's metaphorical, a big word understood by educated Mennonites.
