Sunday, March 02, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Apropos of nothing, really ...

No real developments to report, other than that undischarged bankrupt and self-described "Alpha Male" Patrick Ross continues his quest to eat at every unhealthy greasy spoon in northern Alberta. Here's Patrick in the wind-swept barrens of Peace River, wolfing down 13,000 calories in a single meal before heading out for another day of swamping in a northern Alberta winter:

It's only moderately amusing to realize that, as someone coming up on his 44th birthday, Patrick has now spent fully half of his adult life found liable for malicious defamation, personally bankrupt and owing me a buttload of cash (an amount that is increasing by several hundred dollars every single month).

For someone who advertises himself as the smartest d00d on the Intertoobz, Patrick could use a moment or two of self-reflection. And maybe a lawyer.

I'm just trying to be helpful.


Anonymous said...

Wait, Patrick is 43 years old? I only started following this story a little while ago, and I figured that with Patrick's immaturity, maybe he was in his late 20s or early 30s these days, and had defamed you as a stupid teenager not knowing any better. But doing the math, he did that when he was in his late 20s, is that right? How can someone be in their late 20s and be that stupid, and then keep being that stupid into their 40s?

It seems like he's ruined his life pretty totally. He's heading towards 50 with no home, no savings, no romantic relationship that I can see (who the hell would want that?), in massive debt, still bankrupt, not sure how it gets much worse. Knowing he's in his 40s puts a different perspective on how screwed he is.

RossOwesDay said...

Patrick Ross's tantrums over his erstwhile friendship with convinced pedophile Joseph Sproull being exposed were the funniest thing on Twitter this week. It's kind of ironic that Twatsy got himself in trouble for falsely calling others pedophiles, when he actually befriended one in real life in Lloydminster.

CC said...

ROD: I was unaware of any of that, and I have no interest in peeking over there to learn about it. It's truly mind-boggling that Patrick is still, after all these years, getting caught up in this kind of madness.

Anonymous said...

After a bit of quick digging, it appears to be Patrick engaging in his usual disingenuous style of argument, trying to accuse others of things by twisting things beyond the breaking point.

If that's what passes for discourse over on Twitter, then the enshittification of it is complete.

CC said...

I'm not even going to look -- Patrick is the most self-destructive human being I've ever met, and no matter how deep a hole he's dug for himself, he will never stop digging. He is going to spend the rest of his life bankrupt, in massive debt to me, working shitty jobs, eating at crappy diners and, at some point, no one will hire him anymore because of his reputation as an asshole. And he will blame all of this on someone else. Just let him wreck what little of his life remains to him.