Another month, another increase of several hundred dollars in what undischarged bankrupt and homeless financial fugitive Patrick Ross owes me pursuant to defaming me maliciously back in 2010, then refusing to even file a defence when I sued him:
There's not a whole lot to report -- Patrick is still on the run, the highlight of his life on social media being posting pictures of the latest greaseburger he's discovered somewhere between Grande Prairie and whatever desolate backwoods work site he's inhabiting as a "swamper" (a job that is definitely as disgusting as its name suggests).
I am still in the dark as to the status of Casa Ross or its disposition according to the will of the late and absolutely-not-lamented Kenneth Ross; as I've mentioned previously, the rumour is that the entire estate is being disputed but again, that is a rumour that is wholly unsubstantiated thus far. However, that rumour is at least consistent with the fact that that property has not gone on the market, which seems odd.
Anyway, I hear that Patrick is once again talking smack about me over at his Twitter account, and while I normally enjoy refuting his nonsense, I realized recently that there is precious little point in that since, according to his Twitter stats, Patrick gets almost no traffic so almost no one reads his attacks so what's the point in replying to something nobody ever reads?
If there any further developments, I'll let you know. In the meantime, if you happen to run across any evidence of where Patrick is hanging out these days, drop me a note.
Pulling the title on the property could inform you if the property has changed hands or not. (E.g. It might have been retitled as belonging to the family as a result of the will, in which case the title would have been transferred to the siblings).
That said, if the estate is hung up in the courts, that property is slowly and inexorably draining whatever financial resources the estate may have had - even in “mothballs” a property like that has significant costs associated with it to keep it viable, not to mention things like municipal taxes have to be paid.
As there is no secret about the address of Casa Ross, recently I've been using this to check on the status of that property:
It's possible that's not the most reliable way to check, but it's always shown "OFF MARKET" whenever I check. As I have said many times, any interested parties are invited to do a drive-by and let me know if there are any interesting developments.
MgS: I'm willing to believe that one of the siblings is living there in a sort of "caretaker" role while the estate is being settled, but that doesn't address the issue of, if the will stipulated that the house be sold and the proceeds divvied up among those hillbillies, then nobody is getting any benefit at the moment (other than the person who is perhaps living there for free).
So if this is in fact still being disputed, then I would imagine most of the siblings are getting a bit antsy wondering when they're going to get their share, even as (as you say) the asset is decreasing in value given that expenses still need to be paid.
So, what are you going to do with $130,000 of Ken and Patrick Ross's hard-earned money?
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