As a recent commenter looking for advice left another comment on this blog, assuming it was meant to be posted, I am going to give it some coverage here so one and all are aware what they are getting into when engaging with Lloydminster's Patrick Ross (minor editing):
I called FluidPro Oilfield Services in Calgary and they say that Patrick Ross doesn't work for them directly, but could work on their jobsites through a 3rd party contract vendor.
I posted what I said in your post to a Lloydminster forum and a woman messaged me and said she believes Patrick lives between Edmonton and hotels he gets issued near job sites he works. She knew the family and Patrick has been more than troublesome his entire life. Most jobs he was hired at in Lloydminster ended because he would harass people to the point working with him became untenable. He was released from a theatre he worked at doing small plays because he became obsessed with a female director which ended with the police getting involved.
She told me Patrick has had trouble with the police his entire life for harassing people including when he went to school at the University of Alberta. I explained everything I've gone through with Patrick online; she conveyed her sympathies but told me he's done far worse to others and to expect more as I ignore him.
I must ask again how he's never been criminally charged to this point in his life. He has a long and sordid history of harassment and online stalking, and people have wanted to press charges. Do you know if he has a documented mental illness or disability that makes pursuing criminal charges against him unviable?
Due to everything Patrick has done, I've closed my accounts on X and Facebook. It became useless to try and figure out if he was impersonating one of my friends on those networks. It was also apparent he's getting accounts that have followers and history on those networks to use to harass me. I've been told people can purchase these accounts for as little as $4 online.
Patrick has a very unhealthy obsession with people that out his nonsense opinions on X. When he's publicly challenged and loses, he turns into the worst temper tantrum toddler in the history of mankind. Before reading your blog, I assumed he was a teenager who liked trolling people, but I learned he's over 40 years old. The worst mistake I've made in my lifetime was engaging with him online. Had I known this is what that interaction would lead to, I would have simply left him to speak his horrible takes to the 30 or so people that view his trash.
If you can offer any assistance with ridding this man from my life, please convey it. Due to posts on my Facebook page, he knows where I work. Someone has called and spoke to my main superior and lodged a false complaint. It wasn't known until after I was called in to a meeting and almost given a written warning, that it was fake. When the alleged incident took place I was in another city and couldn't have attended the accuser's business location causing issues over not purchasing products from us.
Patrick is invading my life. Most times I can't prove it's him because contact has become indirect through other parties. I'm stumped how to untangle this mess. Would an apology to him help at all? I still have an avenue to stop the deletion of my X account and could post an apology if that would appease him. I have 9 days remaining to unlock my account.
No, absolutely do not apologize. Do not appease him in any way. Best advice, as stated above, is to take legal action. He's already buried under a mountain of debt. Just add a few more dollars and a bunch more misery to that amount.
Let me expand on that earlier comment. There is no point trying to appease Patrick. First, he will see that as a sign of weakness and it will only encourage him to harass you even *more.* In addition, he will then brag incessantly about how he got you to back down, and he will go out of his way to make sure that bragging includes as much personal information about you as he knows -- full name, address, where you work and so on.
The only way to deal with Patrick is to go after his major weakness, and that's that he ***hates*** to be humiliated and embarrassed in front of his friends and co-workers, so the obvious approach is to file a police report against him, and do whatever you can to drag his employer into it, like having process servers show up at his place or work, or having police stop by looking for him.
This may very well involve hiring a lawyer to craft the appropriate documents but, trust me, it is the one thing that Patrick hates more than anything -- being humiliated in front of others -- so that's your best approach. Drop me an email, and I'll help you get started on making sure Patrick's employer has to deal with process servers and police looking for him.
Last bit of advice: keep copies of and take screenshots of everything. Also, ask your company rep to give you every scrap of information about Patrick's alleged complaint to your company, such as if there was a phone call, was there caller ID? Or if the complaint was submitted through a company portal, do they have any record of IP addresses that were used?
Start pulling together all the information you can so you're ready to hand it all to a lawyer when the time comes.
I’ve been reading this saga since pretty much the very beginning, when it was just both of you trading barbs about politics. I have come to the conclusion that he DOES have a full-time job, and that is to avoid having one, as well as eschewing any and all forms of adult responsibilities.
I’ve worked close to 30 years in the correctional field and I have very rarely seen ANYONE as unaccountable for his actions as you’ve illustrated. That is why I feel compelled to ask if you genuinely believe that you’ll ever be able to collect from someone so pathologically dedicated to avoidance. I truly hope that you’ll be able to, though, and look forward to you finally being able to post about it.
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