Sunday, February 09, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: The derangement continues ...

Over at his Twitter account, undischarged bankrupt and man-child on the run Patrick Ross accuses me of obsessively examining all of his literary works for years because I used the acronym "AC" to refer to the recent anonymous commenter at this blog, since Patrick apparently dedicated a 2019 short story to "AC" and thinks I chose that acronym to be deliberately provocative:

Uh, I chose "AC" because it's short for "Anonymous Commenter."

It's embarrassing that I had to explain that.

P.S. After all these years, Patrick still does not understand what constitutes defamation. That's just sad.

P.P.S. Self-proclaimed literary giant Patrick Ross used the phrase "poured over" to describe studying something intently and with great concentration. Let that level of illiteracy sink in.

AND MORE: Apparently, this is the first part of the short story which I am accused of *poring* over and stealing the dedication to some mysterious "AC" just so I can provoke Patrick into, well, I have no idea. It is replete with such literary gems as, "She wasn't actually the only woman here. There were many other women here, ..."

That's pretty much where I stopped reading.


RossOwesDay said...

It's hard to think of a more egregiously pathetic combination of intellectual futility and moral depravity than Lloydminster's Patrick "Twatsy" Ross.

Anonymous said...

If PR thinks he is "winning" so much, perhaps he can man up and provide the courts with a current address for his multiple lawsuits - you know the ones that he's sitting on and not moving forward ... at all.

Even Ezra is more honest than that - he actually has an address at which he can be served documents.

Anonymous said...

lol. "Poured".

Looks like all those years at the U of A was worth it.

Anonymous said...

My God, what tedious, stultifying prose: "They all thought they knew ...", what does that even mean, that you "think" you "know" something? I kept reading but finally gave up. The guy doesn't even understand basic sentence structure.

Anonymous said...

I really wish you hadn't provided that link ... that is some of the most cringeworthy writing I've seen in a while. As earlier anonymous said, Patrick has no concept of proper sentence structure. His writing is crushingly repetitive, making the same point repeatedly, simply using different words. All four of those pages could have been rendered in less than half that space, and still make more sense. I'd say Patrick needs a good editor, but even an editor couldn't salvage that.

Anonymous said...

Well Partick, I'm glad the Ewe of Eh helps you rite good, gooder than some perhaps, perhaps...

MgS said...

Perhaps we should submit it to the Bulwar-Lytton contest on his behalf? ... That opening line could easily be a winner ...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't make it past the first sentence since it's grammatically idiotic. Consider that opening sentence:

"Amara could feel every eye in this place upon her."

"This" place? What is being referred to by "this"? Normally, a reference of "this" is accompanied by some context, but there is no context here. A more proper wording would be, "Amara could feel every eye in THE place upon her." That makes far more sense since there is no attempt to establish a context.

It's crushing that the author can't even make it through the first sentence without committing such an embarrassing literary cock-up. And Patrick simply has no concept of how a proper sentence is structured, he constantly finishes them too early, then begins the next one improperly.

Don't even get me started on the atrocity that is the second paragraph.