Thursday, February 06, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Interestinger and interestinger ...

Here's a followup comment from anonymous commenter I've labeled "AC". (IMPORTANT: When I said I "edited" the previous submission, it was only to correct a couple typos and add a missing apostrophe, that sort of thing; I in no way removed any meaningful content):

[Emphasis added by CC]

I've taken your advice and hired myself a lawyer and filed a police report with the RCMP in Calgary.

My police report details the fraudulent interaction with my employer and the 9 different Facebook accounts and 7 X accounts I suspect Patrick of impersonating and using to harass me.

My lawyer has been instructed to find out where Patrick is working and where he hangs his hat because his address in Lloydminster, SK, is no longer valid. No one resides at the residence because it's part of an estate that is currently being disputed. This makes his driver's license in need of an update and his vehicle's insurance invalid because he no longer resides in Saskatchewan. Due to living out of province for more than 6 months, he would have to update his insurance tied to an Alberta residence. Everything correlating to his person is still tied to his father's Lloydminster address. Patrick isn't a full time student in Alberta thus is required to switch both. He is technically driving around Alberta with an invalid license and insurance. This has been brought to the RCMPs attention by my counsel when we filed the report.

There's a few other instances of potential fraud on Patrick's part if he's re-signed any leases in the province that were under his father's name. It's very unlikely Patrick would have been able to attain a lease for residence under his name being an undischarged bankrupt for over 8 years. Just as, if Patrick is possibly using a credit card owned by his father, as he's deceased, would constitute fraud.

Due to some of the things Patrick has said online under his own X account and if I can prove he was using any of the Facebook or X accounts I suspect him of using, I am filing a libel suit against him. I will not put up with being called a pedophile or my wife told that she's supporting a sex offender and that my children should be questioned if I've ever touched them.

If I gain any information on his employer or living situation, I will be informing the parties he's currently suing in Grande Prairie, AB. It's my understanding he hasn't updated his Statement of Claims against several entities. Another party has given me transcripts of two hearings where Patrick committed perjury stating he is not an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee. That is categorically false. I've spoken to his former trustee in Saskatchewan, and they assure me he is still in such status as of Monday afternoon.

Please ensure this is posted to your blog in it's entirety. These are my statements and mine alone, and as long as my words aren't edited in any way, you are shielded from liability. If edited, you could be considered a co-author under Canada's defamation law.

It's very important that others know how deep Patrick has dug his hole, the trouble he is in, and they should help end his cycle of abuse. Patrick is unwell and he needs help.

I will have more to say about this later. I am intrigued that the disposition of the estate is currently being disputed; I thought it seemed to be taking an inordinately long time for the house to be sold or change hands.

Anyway, things are definitely getting more interesting.

P.S. I would take issue with one of AC's points above -- that Patrick "committed perjury stating he is not an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee." I wrote about that back here. Technically, Patrick never claimed he still had a trustee; rather, he simply misled the court by failing to disclose that little tidbit, so I would be very careful about accusing Patrick of perjury. It is sufficient to point out that he clearly failed to disclose relevant information to the judge, and I would leave it at that.

P.P.S. If Patrick's vehicle insurance is indeed no longer valid, it seems like this is something that should be brought to the attention of his employer since, if Patrick is driving to job sites in an uninsured vehicle and without a valid driver's license, that could in some way make his employer liable if Patrick has an accident which results in a lawsuit -- especially if it can be shown that the employer was aware of this. (Hint, hint.)

AC is still invited to email me at, as there is some information I have that might be useful and I don't want to publish it where Patrick can read it.

BY THE WAY, regarding this sentence in the above: "It's very unlikely Patrick would have been able to attain a lease for residence under his name being an undischarged bankrupt for over 8 years."

Patrick has, in fact, been bankrupt for over 12 years, having filed for bankruptcy in December of 2012. Further, his trustee withdrew from his file in February of 2014, which means Patrick has been an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee for 11 years, so it's actually worse than AC describes it.

AC should also know that, without a trustee, Patrick has very likely not been making his legally-required reports to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, so he is way in arrears related to his legal obligations under the bankruptcy regime. And on top of all that, he owes me around $125,000 and I have a collections order against him in the province of Saskatchewan.

Just want to make sure that AC has all this information. I'm just trying to be helpful.

SHEER SPECULATION ON MY PART, but I am intrigued by the claim that the late Ken Ross' estate is being disputed. One would have thought its disposition would be straightforward, so I wonder if the holdup is in any way related to Patrick's siblings squabbling over how to protect all those assets from being seized by me if the will shows any substantial property going to Patrick. 

What if the will dictates that the house be sold and the proceeds be divided among the siblings? Given my collection order against Patrick, do I have any legal right to step in and put a hold on that sale until I am legally assured of receiving Patrick's share of the sale price? I think it's time to check with the lawyers again. It would certainly be interesting to know what the "dispute" is all about, and whether it's tied to how Patrick's bankruptcy has jeopardized everyone else's ability to collect.


Anonymous said...

I thought we already knew that Patrick worked for Fluidpro through some third-party contractor.I would think that if AC filed a criminal complaint against Patrick, Fluidpro would be legally required to disclose the name of that third-party contractor.

Patrick does seem to be burying himself deeper by the day, doesn't he?

RossOwesDay said...

A small additional detail: Auto insurance is much more expensive in Alberta than Saskatchewan. So, drivers living in Alberta but not updating their info from other provinces is a common scheme. Of course, most of those drivers are just trying to save money. Twatsy's (alleged) motivation is far more shameful.

Anonymous said...

Are we sure that this anonymous commenter is on the up-and-up, or are they just some right-wing troll leading Canadian Cynic along with b.s.?

Hopefully Cynic gets some documentation from this commenter to confirm their story, before acting on any of this intel.

CC said...

ROD: What interests me is ... what happens if all of this is true, Patrick gets in an accident, and it comes out that he is he is still driving around with SK insurance while not being an SK resident? Is that grounds for establishing that Patrick is not in fact insured? I am not a lawyer so I have no idea.

CC said...

Anon @ 11:09 AM: You are, of course, correct, I have no confirmation of any of this, which is why I am *not* acting on any of this information. I am simply filing it away in case confirmation comes in.

MgS said...

Regarding credit cards:

It strikes me as very unlikely that PR is still using a credit card that is in his father's name. Credit cards are usually frozen as soon as the bank receives a death notice.

That leaves 2 workable scenarios:

If such a card does exist, then Patrick could have acquired it and kept its existence secret from the rest of the family. (If that is the case - wow - that's ugly should it ever come out)

Or - Patrick acquired a card from one of the issuers that routinely offers credit cards to people coming out of bankruptcy - usually with a cosignatory on the card. I'm not sure what the status of such a card would be if the cosigner dies.

CC said...

MgS: Yeah, we're all speculating. I'm going to check if there is a way to get information about the disposition of an estate in Saskatchewan; I think I'll have my lawyer check into it if that's possible.