Friday, January 03, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Wonder incel powers activate!

I can only imagine that this latest pathetically sad podcast from undischarged bankrupt and Dr. Jordan Peterson fan boi Patrick "Stud Muffin Chick Magnet" Ross is aimed at me, given that I have on occasion pointed out how the good doctor is an ignorant quack of the highest order. As of this typing, I made it all of 1:13 into Patrick's podcast before I had to stop -- perhaps I'll watch the rest of it later after drinking heavily.

I could go on at length about how Peterson is a purveyor of pseudo-scientific horseshit of the highest order, but I will say simply that, for someone who is convinced that Jordan Peterson is the answer to living a full and happy life, Patrick's life is a train wreck of a leaking septic tank of a dumpster fire, which might make him ponder whether Peterson's life advice is really doing him any good. All evidence to the contrary.

P.S. There are numerous brutal eviscerations of Dr. Peterson online; here is just one of them. I could supply a dozen more just as savage and on-point.

OH, DEAR GOD ... I sucked it up and am viewing the rest of Patrick's unwatchable podcast and he makes an utter fool of himself starting at the 12:50 mark by insisting that Dr. Benzo Boy must be taken seriously because "he has taught at Harvard!" This is particularly ironic since Patrick himself makes it clear that a rhetorical appeal to authority is a logical no-no:

And yet, there's Patrick, falling face-first into his own discredited argument. It is not a mystery why Patrick, even after seven years, failed to get a degree from the U of Alberta.

BONUS TRACK: While trying to go all intellectual, Patrick informs us that he is currently slogging his way through Peterson's latest pompously-titled train wreck of a tome, "We Who Wrestle With God." Mercifully, The Guardian saves us the trouble of caring what it says. But this revelation by Patrick gives us the opportunity to check if Peterson's advice imparts any practical value since, once Patrick finishes it, we can check in on whether Patrick begins to behave any more like an actual grown-up and take responsibility for the shitfest that is his life, or whether he continues to act like a petulant, vindictive 12-year-old.

So let's give Patrick some time to finish the book, at which point we might have some confirmation as to whether Dr. Peterson's life advice is worth the paper it's Crayola'ed on.


RossOwesDay said...

From a demographic standpoint, since Twatrick Ross is low-IQ, downwardly mobile, no university degree, emasculated white low wage/low-skill blue-collar, it's kind of inevitable that he's going to like Jordan Peterson.

Anonymous said...

I just watched that painful video, and read those critiques, and it's astonishing how Patrick absolutely follows the model of the gullible believer based on those articles. He defends Peterson using exactly the stupid defenses that the critics point out. It's like they were writing about him personally.

Anonymous said...

Surely Jordan Peterson hilself is proof that Jordan Peterson is not the answer to living a full and happy life.

Purple library guy said...

So according to that takedown, Peterson "has been called “the deepest, clearest voice of conservative thought in the world today”". Kind of a sad indictment of conservative thought in the world today, innit?