Saturday, January 25, 2025

Buy Canadian! Hot sauce makers in Canada

Feel free to leave a comment as to any additions or corrections to this list. Comments are moderated to eliminate the inevitable spam associated with any social media platform.

Also, if you're a Canadian business, make sure that information is right up front on your website -- don't make people have to work to figure it out.

P.S. I've extended the references to include some salsa and BBQ sauce makers, as long as heat is involved.

British ColumbiaAlberta
OntarioQuebecNew Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


Anonymous said...

Hey Cynic, as an honorary Newfoundlander (I've only lived here for 40 years so I'm not considered a Newfoundlander) and since you have no entries from Newfoundland can I recommend the Saucy Newfoundland Company. (I am not affiliated with the company in any way).

Anonymous said...

Hey CC. If you were to pick your top 3, what would they be?

CC said...

"Top 3" is impossibly context-dependent ... depends on what you're pouring it on, but I admit to a fondness to seriously hot with a noticeable fruit base, like mango or blueberry. Pure heat is pointless, you need the flavour.

Anonymous said...

Hey CC - great list here. The only one I'd add is another Ottawa place called - they make a really hot sauce called Trashcan Fire that has a really unique flavour. Other than that, nicely done - let's support local!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Thanks for this great public service! My favourite here in Montreal is Lord's Hot Sauce. (no affiliation, just a fan!)

CC said...

OK, I added Lord's, taking your word that it's based in Montreal as it's not immediately obvious from the web site.