I'll have more to say in a couple of days at the next interestversary but, in the meantime, if you haven't seen Patrick Ross' moist panty adoration of quack and grifter Dr. Jordan Peterson, well, have at it. There is something amusing in watching a 40-something loser wax poetic about Jungian psychology and archetypes when he couldn't even get a simple sociology degree after seven years, and his life can be reasonably described as a dumpster fire of a train wreck of a plane crash.
In any event, check back in a couple of days.
In the first minute he says something about people following his posts with any degree of regularity as if that's even a thing.
Patrick simps harder for Peterson than he does for women online. He'd cup Peterson's balls all day if he was told to and do it with lotion on his hands.
He's pathetic and everyone can see he offers nothing to a relationship, therefore will be alone forever. Imagine being 45ish years old and knowing the chances of gaining any meaningful relationship with a partner is less than zero.
What's worse is the subscribers he bought for his YouTube channel. Overnight he gained 200 subscribers for content people only mock. He's trying to so hard to make people think he's worth watching while his Twitter engagement continues to fall. He's essentially yelling into the same paper bag he uses to breathe when he has anxiety attacks. He can't afford a second bag.
Anon @ 6:24 PM: I've occasionally wondered about Patrick's obsession with defending Jordan Peterson. Who is his intended audience? It seems like the entire rationale for that simping is to generate the illusion that he is somehow smarter than Peterson's critics, but the amount of time he invests in that is disconcerting, given how few people watch those videos. That Jordan Peterson video has been up for two weeks, and has had a grand total of 23 views; this does not strike me as a productive use of Patrick's time.
So why does he do it? I'm baffled.
P.S. One of the funnier parts of that video is that, around the 12:50 mark, Patrick sanctimoniously reminds everyone that Peterson has taught at Harvard. This is amusing given that Patrick has relentlessly denigrated other peoples' arguments as frequently being arguments from authority, and yet here he is, doing precisely the thing that he dumps on on a regular basis.
Patrick really isn't very good at any of this.
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