Sunday, January 19, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy new year and happy interestversary!

It is a brand new year and, more importantly, we're now well into a new year wherein undischarged bankrupt and vexatious litigant Patrick "I'm smart enough to be my own lawyer" Ross has still failed to proceed with his utterly meritless August, 2022 defamation action against me, so here's my plan.

While the courts are generally accommodating of self-represented dingbats, they do eventually run out of patience, so I'm thinking that I will let this molder until August of this year, making it a full three years since Patrick filed, then failed to follow through. It will be remarkably similar to the situation wherein Patrick filed a worthless appeal of his 2014 bankruptcy ruling, then let it sit for three and a half years, whereupon I filed to have it dismissed as abandoned, and wherein the judge ruled that Patrick's 3.5 year delay in proceeding with that appeal was both "inordinate" and "inexcusable" and granted my motion.

So it seems that three years is a good metric for what a court considers just wasting someone's and the court's time, and it's highly unlikely that Patrick is going to do anything about this since, as we have already established, he would have to disclose his whereabouts and contact information and, given how many people are looking for him, I doubt he's ready to do that.

Finally, I am always in the market for the latest scoop on where Patrick is hanging and where he is working (Fluid Pro? elsewhere?), so keep those cards and letters coming in, kids.

Oh, right ... given this ruling from a few years back, Patrick now owes me in the neighbourhood of $125,000:

an amount increasing by several hundreds per month, and that doesn't include what he still owes pursuant to his Conditional Discharge Order (another $25,000 or so).

I'm guessing that 2025 is not going to be a fun year for Patrick.

P.S. It's worth pointing out how Patrick, who once fancied himself as an up-and-coming journalist and online pundit, is easily one of the most dishonest human beings on the planet.

Years ago (before he turned his life into total shit), Patrick contributed to at least one online right-wing rag, and clearly saw himself as a budding conservative provocateur. To this day, he describes himself as a "podcaster" (HA HA!!) and "online political commentator," so it's mirth-making to see just how sleazy he can be.

Regarding the recent Mark Carney limo hatchet job, despite all evidence to the contrary, Patrick descends into pure derangement:

So let's dissect this, shall we? First, it's been established that there is absolutely nothing linking Carney to the limo that appeared briefly at his presser; even the limo company insists they have no idea who ordered the car, but Patrick -- being the principled investigative journo that he is -- is uninterested in a total lack of evidence. But it gets worse.

See, it's also established that the limo showed up about an hour before Carney's presser to pick someone up. Given that the presser was still an hour off, what possible sense would it make for Mark Carney to order a limo to pick him up at that location before his presser had even started!?!?

This is the level of Patrick's dishonesty, so it's entertaining to remember that he once upon a time had grand designs of being a popular and influential online source of conservative punditry; instead, here he is, spewing trivially refutable nonsense out of a sense of childish petulance.

If Patrick ever wants to improve his lot in life, he might start by not being so much of an obvious hack.


RossOwesDay said...

Has Twatsy Ross had a fun year in his life since he made that fateful decision to maliciously defame you?

Anonymous said...

When Christy Clark said she was never a CPC member, Astroturf Jenni was quick to publish a screen shot showing her membership singup. But Clark says she never got a card or a ballot to vote on the leadership. She could easily have assumed she was not a member, and likely assumed her signup in her own name was tossed out. Did Detective Byrne ever publish proof that Clark actually voted for a CPC leader?

CC said...

ROD: Surprisingly, Patrick seems to have had several years of happiness when he assumed (incorrectly) that he had me over a barrel, and he was going to "appeal" his default judgment (not even legally possible), and that he was going to win his bankruptcy appeal, and that he was "winning" his idiotic lawsuit against me, and so on and so on.

To this day, it seems that Patrick is quite pleased with the way things are working out because he is absolutely convinced that all of the law is on his side and it will all work out for him in the end. So, yes, he actually seems to be having fun, based on a stunning level of self-delusion.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone care? Christy Clark is a waste of time.Everyone in BC knows she's always been a Conservative.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:02: We always enjoy more proof of PR being a bonehead, I was looking for more proof Jenni is as vile as always. She is the reason the conservatards will repel people and lose again. She is probably shrieking orders to her minions to do something about the fact that PPs biggest platform plank (axe the tax) is being taken away

Anonymous said...

To think that even a single person actually believes that limos like that would be rented by actual rich and powerful people instead of high school kids going to prom... it boggles the mind.