Saturday, March 07, 2009

Israeli Apartheid Week, as it were.

Shorter Israel groupies: "I don't get it. All we do is herd them into the world's largest concentration camp, deprive them of basic liberty and necessities, steal their arable land under the guise of security, bulldoze their olive groves, take their water, prevent the delivery of humanitarian supplies and, on a regular basis, launch savage attacks with the world's most fearsome weaponry that slaughter countless Palestinians including women and children, and now no one wants to hang with us. What's up with that?"


Anonymous said...

And yet the leaders of the Liberals, Conservatives and NDP seem okay with that....

sooey said...

They enjoy the indiscriminate bombing of a trapped population, I guess.


Jennifer Smith said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If it was any other country doing these things...