Monday, September 10, 2007

Yeah, it's the fine print that always a bitch, isn't it?

And over at Small Dead Intellects, Canada's Lowest Common Denominatrix™ puts her giggly, schoolgirl crush on courageous warblogger Michael Yon aside just long enough to get another giggly, schoolgirl crush on courageous warblogger Bill Ardolino:

"the enemy has become the friend and the friend became the enemy"

Armchair chickenhawk warblogger Bill Ardolino reports from Fallujah. One of his readers comments:

I have sat and cried just seeing the pics and reading the article. I have 2 Marines in Fallujah right now and I cannot wait to show this article to any and everyone I see. Do you think if enough of us sent the article to foxnews they would put this story up front? NOWHERE else have I seen pics like these, of the actual work that has been going on. Thank you just doesn't seem enough for the author and I know it isn't enough for these Marines. And I would venture to say neither is expecting one. But from the bottom of this Marine momma's heart, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

Bill is supported by reader donations - there's a link at the bottom of his page. Posted by Kate at September 9, 2007 9:45 AM

Yes, by God, Bill Ardolino is another of those courageous, independent journalists, in search of nothing but the truth and supported only by your hopes, your prayers and your generous donations ... whoops, hang on, what's this?

Please consider a tax deductible donation to support independent journalism. Mark the subject line with "INDC Journal," if you are so inclined.

OK, so he's supported by only your hopes, your prayers, your generous donations and your tax dollars. Somehow, the phrase "warblogger welfare" leaps to mind. But maybe that's just me.

BONUS TAIL-WAGGING AFTERSNARK: If you check out the domain, well, there's just ever so much more entertaining, wingutty, crunchy goodness:

About Us

Bill Roggio ...

Roggio? Roggio? ... Oh, right ... that Bill Roggio:

Military Blogger Bill Roggio Swiftboats the Washington Post

Military blogger Bill Roggio recently has been getting Internet mileage by flogging the Washington Post for maligning him about his work as an embedded blogger in Iraq. Great, except that Roggio is wrong and the Post is right...

3. Whose Credentials. Most audaciously, Roggio complains that the Post said he was accredited by the American Enterprise Institute, home of his pal Leeden, while in fact he was accredited by the Weekly Standard, for which he wrote exactly one article, and a Canadian radio show. The Post did indeed rely on a questionable source for this information: Roggio himself!

In his October 31, 2005 blog post, Roggio stated

In the three days since I announced my plans to travel to Iraq and embed with RCT-2 in Anbar province, the response has been phenomenal. I have received media credentials, thanks to Dr. Michael Ledeen and the American Enterprise Institute. ... The current plan is to leave for Iraq on November 19th.

Apparently, the Post's error was not fact checking for errors in Roggio's own blog!

And remember, you Americans ... these folks are supported by your tax dollars. Doesn't that just give you warm fuzzies all over?

We now return you to Kate's original giggly, schoolgirl crush on courageous warblogger Michael Yon.

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