Saturday, September 15, 2007

Werds meen wut I say they meen.

Over at Canadian Blue Lemmings, Canada's version of Kathryn Jean Lopez, MaryT, checks in from the planet Weembo to explain why she insists on describing disgraced ex-ABC consultant Alexis Debat as a "reporter":

Bylines are very important to reporters, and this guy was published many times with his name attached to the story re his supposed interviews with VIPs. That makes him a reporter.

By the same logic, this would make Stephen Harper a "reporter" as well, demonstrating once and for all the hideous conservative bias in the Canadian media, and it's not like I haven't been suggesting that for months, is it?

I'm guessing MaryT has photos of Brian Lemon having carnal relations with John Baird, Steve Janke and a diseased goat. There's no other possible explanation for why he gives her any blog space whatsoever.


¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Wow. With that kind of airtight logic, I may yet, somehow, be a hockey player.

Rev.Paperboy said...

a byline does not make one a reporter. Thousands of reporters labour endlessly writing stories and getting no bylines. Unless there is one guy down in the States with the really unusual name "Associated Press" who is just super energetic.