God Almighty, but some of those folks are snivelling little twits and pathetic crybabies. Breaking with tradition, I decided to dispense a little wisdom to the intellectually-deprived over here, to the tune of:

Not vulgar. Not profane. Maybe a little rude but, when you try to get through to stupid people, sometimes you need to get their attention.
Not surprisingly, mere minutes later:

Yes, Joanne, you're just a model of courtesy and decorum. Well, that and a vile, mealy-mouthed hypocrite.
Mostly the hypocrite part, actually.
Yeah, but... You called her breathtakingly stupid and a dimwit. That it happens to be true is beside the point — it wasn't consistent with the "family friendly" ethos of not saying critical things about people. Sheesh! Get with the program already.
Au contraire, I was speaking ill of one of her equally-dimwitted commenters. It's like the dumbassitude over there is entirely interchangeable.
You have to talk to a rightwingers like you do a toddler...soothing tones, no sudden movements, smiley and cheery all the time...
...Or it's deletion city for you, you uncivil liberal!
Anyway, Jo-Blow can do whatever she wants on her tard-blog, but I'm repulsed by how she enables the idiots.
As you have been enabled on many occasions Ti-Guy.
Oh, shut up, anony-tard.
Can't make me, can you stupid?
Tard. Is that a new form of Liberal dessert?
That's awful! She deleted your comment? How disappointing! Did you cry? Or just say, "She won't get away with this! I'll re-post the comment to MY OWN BLOG!"
Bravely said, Anonymous!
Right back at you Marty.
What part of "shut up" don't you understand, 'tard?
The rotten tomatoes thrown from the cheap seats are always the best, aren't they?
See, this is why allowing anonymous comments is such a spectacular waste of time.
Larry, I hope you're paying attention.
See, this is why allowing anonymous comments is such a spectacular waste of time.
And yet you quake in fear for your own anonymity. Interesting that.
The rotten tomatoes thrown from the cheap seats are always the best, aren't they?
Especially when you've grown that garden yourself.
What part of "shut up" don't you understand, 'tard?
Still hungry for tard Liberal dessert, eh? How about that part what says "there is nothing you can do to make me, Ti-Guy.
You're right, CC. If the anonymous commenters had anything of substance to say, and merely didn't want their identities trumpeted all over the planet like the wingnuts like to do, it would be worth it. But the "Oh yeah? Make me! Nyah!" sort of comments they mostly engage in are just juvenile, and a real waste of space.
Yeah, yeah "Phyl".
Its one thing if CC wants to silence me; he can, its his blog. But Ti-Guy imperiously ordering me to shut-up when he knows he is powerless to make that happen is as pathetic as the joke that he is.
Taking issue with my anonymity is a farce, considering the harmless things I say in contrast to the disgusting bile that CC states from the safety of his own anonymity.
Well, now , that was an interesting redefinition of standards, all within the space of a single paragraph.
On the one hand, "Anonymous" defends what he writes as being "harmless" -- that is, by definition, not causing anyone actual harm, so he has nothing to apologize for.
I, on the other hand, should be castigated simply because what I write is "disgusting" -- that is, offensive and likely to hurt someone's widdle feelings, even in the absence of actual, verifiable damage.
I'm curious as to why the standards for what is acceptable for me to write is so much stricter than for everyone else.
Yup, that's a puzzler.
Actually, it is not puzzling at all and its pretty simple.
A lot of what you write is disgusting and vile. However, taking a dump on the "widdle feelings" of a grieving mother who lost her son in service to our country, is more than merely disgusting, its evil and would defintely be harmful were she to be so inclined to be aware of your bile. In fact, would you tell her so to her face since your such an upstanding guy? Not likely, eh?
Get over yourself. The "standards" you speak of are no stricter for you as opposed to anyone else. If they were, you definetly wouldn't be spewing this evil garbage with a public face instead of the relative safety of your own anonymity.
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